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2021 IMH Publications

  • Abdel Shaheed, C., F. Blyth, A. M. Furmage, and F. Stanaway. “Getting the “Balance” Right in Clinical Trials.” BMJ 375 (Nov 24 2021): n2869.

  • Abdel Shaheed, C., Ferreira, G, Dmitritchenko, A, McLachlan, A, Day, R, Saragiotto, B, Lin, C, Langendyk, V, Stanaway, F, Latimer, J, Kamper, S, McLachlan, H, Ahedi, H, and Maher, C. “The Efficacy and Safety of Paracetamol for Pain Relief: An Overview of Systematic Reviews.” Med J Aust 214, no. 7 (Apr 2021): 324-31.

  • Adie, K., Fois, R, McLachlan, A, Walpola, R, and Chen, T. “The Nature, Severity and Causes of Medication Incidents from an Australian Community Pharmacy Incident Reporting System: The Qumwatch Study.” Br J Clin Pharmacol (May 22 2021).

  • Adiwidjaja, J., Gross, A, Boddy, A, and McLachlan, A. “Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model Predictions of Inter-Ethnic Differences in Imatinib Pharmacokinetics and Dosing Regimens.” Br J Clin Pharmacol  (Sep 17 2021).

  • Ambrens, M., Stanners, M, Valenzuela, T, Razee, H, Chow, J, van Schooten, K, Close, J, Clemson, L, Zijlstra, G, Lord, S, Tiedemann, A, Alley, S, Vandelanotte, C, and Delbaere, K. “Exploring Older Adults’ Experiences of a Home-Based, Technology-Driven Balance Training Exercise Program Designed to Reduce Fall Risk: A Qualitative Research Study within a Randomized Controlled Trial.” J Geriatr Phys Ther  (Jul 14 2021).

  • Amorim, A.B., Coombs, D., Richards, B., Maher, C.G., and Machado, G.C. Text messaging and web-based survey system to recruit patients with low back pain and collect outcomes in the emergency department: observational study. JMIR mHealth uHealth 2021;9(3):e22732.10.

  • Anderson, D. B., R. Stanford, J. M. Van Gelder, I. A. Harris, J. Eyles, O. Damodaran, C. G. Maher, and M. L. Ferreira. “How Much Change in Symptoms Do Spinal Surgeons Expect Following Lumbar Decompression and Microdiscectomy?”, J Clin Neurosci 91 (Sep 2021): 243-48.

  • Ayre J, Jenkins H, McCaffery KJ, Maher CG, Hancock MJ. “Unique Considerations for Exercise Programs to Prevent Future Low Back Pain: The Patient Perspective.” Pain (2021): 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002540. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34799535.

  • Bakhtiari M, Morvaridzadeh M, Agah S, Rahimlou M, Christopher E, Zadro JR, Heshmati J. Effect of Probiotic, Prebiotic, and Synbiotic Supplementation on Cardiometabolic and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clin Ther. 2021;43(3):e71-e96

  • Baldwin JN, Ashton LM, Forder PM, Haslam RL, Hure AJ, Loxton DJ, Patterson AJ and Collins CE. Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Variety over Time Is Associated with Lower 15-Year Healthcare Costs: Results from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health. Nutrients 2021, 13(8): 2829. doi: 10.3390/nu13082829

  • Baldwin JN, Forder P, Haslam R, Hure A, Loxton DJ, Patterson AJ, Collins CE. Lower vegetable variety and worsening diet quality over time are associated with higher 15-year healthcare claims costs among Australian women. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021. ;121(4): 655-668. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2020.12.012.

  • Baldwin JN, Haslam RL, Clarke E, Attia J, Hutchesson MJ, Rollo ME, Callister R, Burrows T, Truby H, McCaffrey TA, Hides L. Eating Behaviors and Diet Quality: A National Survey of Australian Young Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2021 (in press): 10.1016/j.jneb.2021.12.001

  • Bauman, A. E., T. Nau, S. Cassidy, S. Gilbert, W. Bellew, and B. J. Smith. “Physical Activity Surveillance in Australia: Standardisation Is Overdue.” Aust N Z J Public Health (Apr 5 2021).

  • Bittencourt, J. V., P. A. C. de Souza, L. A. Corrêa, A. N. Volotão, Mathieson.S, and L. A. C. Nogueira. “Health Literacy, Pain-Related Interference and Pain-Related Distress of Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain.” Health Promot Int (Oct 31 2021).

  • Blokzijl, J., Dodd, R, Copp, T, Sharma, S, Tcharkhedian, E, Klinner, C, Maher, C, and Traeger, A. “Understanding Overuse of Diagnostic Imaging for Patients with Low Back Pain in the Emergency Department: A Qualitative Study.” Emerg Med J 38, no. 7 (Jul 2021): 529-36.

  • Briffa, T., T. Symons, N. Zeps, N. Straiton, W. O. Tarnow-Mordi, J. Simes, I. A. Harris, M. Cruz, S. A. Webb, E. Litton, A. Nichol, and C. M. Williams. “Normalising Comparative Effectiveness Trials as Clinical Practice.” Trials 22, no. 1 (Sep 15 2021): 620.

  • Campo, M., J. R. Zadro, E. Pappas, M. Monticone, C. Secci, D. Scalzitti, J. L. Findley, and P. L. Graham. “The Effectiveness of Biofeedback for Improving Pain, Disability and Work Ability in Adults with Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Musculoskelet Sci Pract 52 (Jan 8 2021): 102317.

  • Cashin, A. G., Lee, H, Traeger, A, Moseley, G, Hübscher, M, Kamper, S, Skinner, I, and McAuley, J. “Producing Clinically Meaningful Reductions in Disability: A Causal Mediation Analysis of a Patient Education Intervention.” J Pain (Aug 16 2021).

  • Cashin, A. G., H. Lee, A. C. Traeger, M. Hübscher, I. W. Skinner, and J. H. McAuley. “Feeling Reassured after a Consultation Does Not Reduce Disability or Healthcare Use in People with Acute Low Back Pain: A Mediation Analysis of a Randomised Trial.” Journal of Physiotherapy (Jun 18 2021).

  • Cashin, A. G., J. Booth, J. H. McAuley, M. D. Jones, M. Hübscher, A. C. Traeger, K. Fried, and G. L. Moseley. “Making Exercise Count: Considerations for the Role of Exercise in Back Pain Treatment.” Musculoskeletal Care (Oct 21 2021).

  • Cashin, A. G., J. Booth, J. H. McAuley, M. D. Jones, M. Hübscher, A. C. Traeger, K. Fried, and G. L. Moseley. “Making Exercise Count: Considerations for the Role of Exercise in Back Pain Treatment.” Musculoskeletal Care (Oct 21 2021).

  • Chan C, Qi HH, Baldwin JN, McKay MJ, Burns J, Nicholson LL. Joint hypermobility and its association with self‐reported knee health: A cross‐sectional study of healthy Australian adults. Int J Rheum Dis. 2021, 24(5):687-693. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.14096.

  • Chye A, Lin CW-C, Hancock MJ, Harris I, Latimer J, Maher CG, McLachlan AJ, Mathieson S, Koes B, Day RO, Billot L, Jan S, Angel B. Healthcare expenditure and its predictors in a cohort of Australians living with sciatica. European Spine Journal. 2021;30(4):878-885.

  • Coombs, D. M., G. C. Machado, B. Richards, C. Needs, R. Buchbinder, I. A. Harris, K. Howard, K. McCaffery, L. Billot, J. Edwards, E. Rogan, R. Facer, Q. Li, and C. G. Maher. “Effectiveness of a Multifaceted Intervention to Improve Emergency Department Care of Low Back Pain: A Stepped-Wedge, Cluster-Randomised Trial.” BMJ Qual Saf 30, no. 10 (Oct 2021): 825-35.

  • Coombs, D. M., Machado, G, Richards, B, Wilson, R, Chan, J, Storey, H, and Maher, C. “Healthcare Costs Due to Low Back Pain in the Emergency Department and Inpatient Setting in Sydney, Australia.” Lancet Reg Health West Pac 7 (Feb 2021): 100089.

  • Curtis, K., P. Moules, J. McKenzie, L. Weidl, T. Selak, S. Binks, D. Hernandez, J. Rijsdijk, D. Risi, J. Wright, L. O’Rourke, M. Knapman, M. Ristevski, T. Stephens, I. Harris, and J. C. T. Close. “Development of an Early Activation Hip Fracture Care Bundle and Implementation Strategy to Improve Adherence to the National Hip Fracture Clinical Care Standard.” J Multidiscip Healthc 14 (2021): 2891-903.

  • da Silva Rocha Paz, T., Reis, F, Costa, L, and Saragiotto, B. “25 Years of Brazilian Physical Therapy Postgraduate Education: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go.” Braz J Phys Ther  (Jul 1 2021).

  • Danta, M., Tan, R, Lockart, I, and Abdel Shaheed, C. “Editorial: Aspirin and Nsaid for Chemoprevention of Hepatocellular Carcinoma – Ready for Their Use? Authors’ Reply.” Aliment Pharmacol Ther 54, no. 6 (Sep 2021): 852-53.

  • Dario, A. B., Kamper, S, Williams, C, Straker, L, O’Sullivan, P, Schütze, R, and Smith, A. “Psychological Distress in Early Childhood and the Risk of Adolescent Spinal Pain with Impact.” European Journal of Pain  (Oct 25 2021).

  • Davidson, S. R. E., Kamper, S, Haskins, R, Robson, E, Gleadhill, C, da Silva, P, Williams, A, Yu, Z, and Williams, C. “Exercise Interventions for Low Back Pain Are Poorly Reported: A Systematic Review.” Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 139 (Nov 2021): 279-86.

  • de Luca, K., McDonald, M, Montgomery, L, Sharp, S, Young, A, Vella, S, Holmes, M, Aspinall, S, Brousseau, D, Burrell, C, Byfield, D, Dane, D, Dewhurst, P, Downie, A, Engel, R, Gleberzon, B, Hollandsworth, D, Nielsen, A, O’Connor, L, Starmer, D, Tunning, M, Wanlass, P, and French, D. “Covid-19: How Has a Global Pandemic Changed Manual Therapy Technique Education in Chiropractic Programs around the World?”, Chiropr Man Therap 29, no. 1 (Feb 1 2021): 7.

  • de Oliveira Lima, L., Saragiotto, B, Costa, L, Nogueira, L, Meziat-Filho, N, and Reis, F. “Self-Guided Web-Based Pain Education for People with Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Physical Therapy (Jun 25 2021).

  • Décary, S., Zadro, J, O’Keeffe, M, Michaleff, Z, Traeger, A, and Légaré, F. “Overcoming Overuse Part 5: Is Shared Decision Making Our Excalibur?”, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 51, no. 2 (Feb 2021): 53-56.

  • Diniz L, Oliveira C, Machado G, Maher C, Verhagen A, Fernandes D, Franco M, Pinto R. “Effectiveness of Brief Patient Information Materials for Promoting Correct Beliefs About Imaging and Inevitable Consequences of Low Back Pain: A Randomised Controlled Trial.” Clinical Rehabilitation (2021).

  • Fajardo Pulido, D., T. Ryder, I. A. Harris, J. C. T. Close, M. J. Chehade, H. Seymour, R. Harris, E. Armstrong, and R. Mitchell. “Patient, Surgical and Hospital Factors Associated with the Presence of a Consultant Surgeon During Hip Fracture Surgery. Do We Know the Answer?”, ANZ J Surg  (Apr 20 2021).

  • Farmer, C., O’Connor, D, Lee, H, McCaffery, K, Maher, C, Newell, D, Cashin, A, Byfield, D, Jarvik, J, and Buchbinder, R. “Consumer Understanding of Terms Used in Imaging Reports Requested for Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Survey.” BMJ Open 11, no. 9 (Sep 13 2021): e049938.

  • Felice Tong, Y. Y., S. Karunaratne, D. Youlden, and S. Gupta. “The Impact of Room-Sharing on Length of Stay after Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty: A Retrospective Study.” Arthroplast Today 8 (Apr 2021): 289-94.e2.

  • Ferreira GE, Herbert RD, Machado GC, Richards B, Harris IA, O’Keeffe M, Zadro JR, Maher CG. “Low Back Pain Presentations to New South Wales Emergency Departments: Trends over Time and Geographical Variation.” Emergency Medicine Australasia (25/01/2021).

  • Ferreira GE, Maher CG, O’Keeffe M, Kwok WS, Peek AL, Harris IA, Zadro JR. The effectiveness of hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2021;24(1):21-29

  • Ferreira GE, Saragiotto BT, Maher CG. Strategies to minimise concerns with selection bias in systematic reviews of interventions. Musculoskelet Sci Pract . 2021 Apr;52:102296

  • Ferreira, G. E., C. C. Lin, M. L. Stevens, M. J. Hancock, J. Latimer, P. Kelly, T. Wisbey-Roth, and C. G. Maher. “Exercise Is Medicine, but Perhaps Not for Preventing Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial of Exercise and Education to Prevent Low Back Pain Recurrence.” J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 51, no. 4 (Apr 2021): 188-95.

  • Ferreira, G. E., J. R. Zadro, M. O’Keeffe, R. Buchbinder, C. Maher, and J. Latimer. “Challenges Faced by Musculoskeletal Health Research in Australia and New Zealand Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Intern Med J 51, no. 4 (Apr 2021): 622.

  • Ferreira, G. E., R. Buchbinder, J. R. Zadro, P. O’Keeffe Kharel, L. Carballo-Costa, J. Oliveira, and C. G. Maher. “Are Musculoskeletal Conditions Neglected in National Health Surveys?”, Rheumatology (Oxford) (Jan 25 2021).

  • Ferreira, G., and M. Hancock. “Recommendations for Shaping the Future of Low Back Pain Prevention Research.” British Journal of Sports Medicine 55, no. 16 (Aug 2021): 886-87.

  • Ferreira, G.E., McLachlan A.J., Lin C.C., Zadro, J.R., Abdel-Shaheed. C, O’Keeffe. M, and Maher, C.G. “Efficacy and Safety of Antidepressants for the Treatment of Back Pain and Osteoarthritis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” BMJ 372 (2021): m4825.

  • Ferreira, GE, Rachelle Buchbinder, JR Zadro, M O’Keeffe, P Kharel, Lidia Carballo-Costa, J Oliveira, and CG Maher. “Are Musculoskeletal Conditions Neglected in National Health Surveys?”, Rheumatology (2021).

  • Fritsch, C. G., P. H. Ferreira, J. L. Prior, G. Vesentini, P. Schlotfeldt, J. Eyles, S. Robbins, S. Yu, K. Mills, D. A. Taylor, T. E. Lambert, O. Clavisi, L. Bywaters, C. K. Chow, J. Redfern, A. J. McLachlan, and M. L. Ferreira. “Text4myback – the Development Process of a Self-Management Intervention Delivered Via Text Message for Low Back Pain.” Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl 3, no. 2 (Jun 2021): 100128.

  • Donlevy. G, Garnett, SP., Cornet, K., McKay M.J, Baldwin, J.N, Shy, R.R., Yum, S.W., Estilow, T., Moron, I, Foscan, M, Pagliano.E, Pareyson, D, Laura, M, Bhandari, T, Muntoni, F, Reilly, M.M, Finkel RS, Sowden JE, Eichinger KJ, Herrmann DN, Shy ME, Burns J, and Menezes MP. Association Between Body Mass Index and Disability in Children With Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. Neurology 2021 International collaboration from the 1000 Norms Project. Q1 Neurology.

  • Gamble, A. R., E. Pappas, M. O’Keeffe, G. Ferreira, C. G. Maher, and J. R. Zadro. “Intensive Supervised Rehabilitation Versus Less Supervised Rehabilitation Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 24, no. 9 (Sep 2021): 862-70.

  • Gench M, Sawan MJ, Langford A, Gnjidic D. Tools to evaluate medication management for caregivers of people living with dementia: A systematic review. Health Expect. 2021 Oct;24(5):1570-1581. doi: 10.1111/hex.13318.

  • Gilbert, S. E., R. Buchbinder, I. A. Harris, and C. G. Maher. “A Comparison of the Distribution of Medical Research Future Fund Grants with Disease Burden in Australia.” Med J Aust  (Jan 11 2021).

  • Griffiths-Jones, W., D. B. Chen, I. A. Harris, J. Bellemans, and S. J. MacDessi. “Arithmetic Hip-Knee-Ankle Angle (Ahka): An Algorithm for Estimating Constitutional Lower Limb Alignment in the Arthritic Patient Population.” Bone Jt Open 2, no. 5 (May 2021): 351-58.

  • Hafliðadóttir, S. H., C. B. Juhl, S. M. Nielsen, M. Henriksen, I. A. Harris, H. Bliddal, and R. Christensen. “Placebo Response and Effect in Randomized Clinical Trials: Meta-Research with Focus on Contextual Effects.” Trials 22, no. 1 (Jul 26 2021): 493.

  • Hall, A. M., K. Aubrey-Bassler, B. Thorne, and C. G. Maher. “Do Not Routinely Offer Imaging for Uncomplicated Low Back Pain.” BMJ 372 (Feb 12 2021): n291.

  • Hall, A., D. Coombs, H. Richmond, K. Bursey, B. Furlong, R. Lawrence, and S. J. Kamper. “What Do the General Public Believe About the Causes, Prognosis and Best Management Strategies for Low Back Pain? A Cross-Sectional Study.” BMC Public Health 21, no. 1 (Apr 8 2021): 682.

  • Hamilton M, Mathieson S, Blyth F, Gnjidic D, Jansen J, Weir K, Abdel Shaheed C, Lin CW-C. Barriers, facilitators and resources to opioid deprescribing in primary care: experiences of general practitioners in Australia. Pain 2021. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002340.  Online ahead of print.

  • Hamilton, C., M. Lovarini, M. van den Berg, A. McCluskey, and L. Hassett. “Usability of Affordable Feedback-Based Technologies to Improve Mobility and Physical Activity in Rehabilitation: A Mixed Methods Study.” Disability and Rehabilitation (Feb 28 2021): 1-10.

  • Hancock, M. J., C. Maher, J. G. Jarvik, M. C. Battié, J. Elliott, T. Jensen, J. Panagopoulos, H. Jenkins, M. Pardey, J. McIntosh, and J. Magnussen. “Reliability and Validity of Subjective Radiologist Reporting of Temporal Changes in Lumbar Spine Mri Findings.” Pm r  (Sep 12 2021).

  • Harris, I. A., K. Cashman, M. Lorimer, Y. Peng, I. Ackerman, E. Heath, and S. E. Graves. “Are Responders to Patient Health Surveys Representative of Those Invited to Participate? An Analysis of the Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Pilot from the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry.” PLoS ONE 16, no. 7 (2021): e0254196.

  • Harrison, L., D. Wong, A. C. Traeger, A. R. Harmer, M. Jennings, and A. M. Moseley. “Knowledge, Skills and Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice and the Impact of a Flipped Classroom Training Program for Physical Therapists: An Observational Study.” Physiotherapy Theory and Practice (Oct 27 2021): 1-12.

  • Harsted, S., L. Nyirö, A. Downie, G. N. Kawchuk, S. O’Neill, L. Holm, and C. G. Nim. “Posterior to Anterior Spinal Stiffness Measured in a Sample of 127 Secondary Care Low Back Pain Patients.” Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 87 (Jun 10 2021): 105408.

  • Harvey, L. A., I. A. Harris, R. J. Mitchell, A. Webster, I. D. Cameron, L. R. Jorm, H. Seymour, P. Sarrami, and J. C. Close. “Impact of Pre-Surgery Hospital Transfer on Time to Surgery and 30-Day Mortality for People with Hip Fractures.” Med J Aust 215, no. 2 (Jul 2021): 87-88.

  • Hassett, L., N. Shields, J. Cole, K. Owen, and C. Sherrington. “Comparisons of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Participation by Adults with and without a Disability: Results of an Australian Cross-Sectional National Survey.” BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 7, no. 1 (2021): e000991.

  • Hawke, F., McKay, M. J., Baldwin, J. N., Chiu, S., Sadler, S., Oldmeadow, C., Burns, J. (2021). Correlates of night-time and exercise-associated lower limb cramps in healthy adults. Muscle Nerve, 64(3), 301-308. doi:10.1002/mus.27359. Q2 Neurology and Physiology

  • Hayden, J. A., J. Ellis, R. Ogilvie, S. A. Stewart, M. K. Bagg, S. Stanojevic, T. P. Yamato, and B. T. Saragiotto. “Some Types of Exercise Are More Effective Than Others in People with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Network Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Physiotherapy  (Sep 16 2021).

  • Haynes, A., C. Sherrington, E. Ramsay, C. Kirkham, S. Manning, G. Wallbank, L. Hassett , and A. Tiedemann. “”Sharing Success with Someone”: Building Therapeutic Alliance in Physiotherapist-Delivered Physical Activity Coaching for Healthy Aging.” Physiotherapy Theory and Practice  (Jul 29 2021): 1-17.

  • Haynes, A., C. Sherrington, G. Wallbank, J. Wickham, A. Tong, C. Kirkham, S. Manning, E. Ramsay, and A. Tiedemann. “Using Self-Determination Theory to Understand and Improve Recruitment for the Coaching for Healthy Ageing (Change) Trial.” PLoS ONE 16, no. 11 (2021): e0259873.

  • Haynes, A., H. Gilchrist, J. S. Oliveira, and A. Tiedemann. “Using Realist Evaluation to Understand Process Outcomes in a Covid-19-Impacted Yoga Intervention Trial: A Worked Example.” Int J Environ Res Public Health 18, no. 17 (Aug 27 2021).

  • Heath, E. L., I. N. Ackerman, K. Cashman, M. Lorimer, S. E. Graves, and I. A. Harris. “Patient-Reported Outcomes after Hip and Knee Arthroplasty : Results from a Large National Registry.” Bone Jt Open 2, no. 6 (Jun 2021): 422-32.

  • Ho, E. K-W., Ferreira M, Pinheiro MB, Carvalho-e-Silva AP, Madrid-Valero J, Zadro JR, Ordoñana J, Ferreira P. Factors associated with seeking medical care for low back pain in a twin adult sample. Euro J Pain 2021;25(5):1091-1106.

  • Ho, E. K., M. Ferreira, A. Bauman, P. W. Hodges, C. G. Maher, M. Simic, R. L. Morton, C. Lonsdale, Q. Li, M. T. Baysari, A. B. Amorim, D. Ceprnja, O. Clavisi, M. Halliday, M. Jennings, A. Kongsted, K. Maka, K. Reid, T. Reynolds, and P. H. Ferreira. “Effectiveness of a Coordinated Support System Linking Public Hospitals to a Health Coaching Service Compared with Usual Care at Discharge for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 22, no. 1 (Jul 9 2021): 611.

  • Hoffmann, T., E. Gibson, C. Barnett, and C. Maher. “Shared Decision Making in Australian Physiotherapy Practice: A Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-Reported Use.” PLoS ONE 16, no. 5 (2021): e0251347.

  • Jang H, Lovarini M, Clemson L, Willis K, Lord S, Sherrington C. Fall prevention programs for culturally and linguistically diverse groups: program provider perspectives. Ethn Health. 2021 Feb;26(2):299-317. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2018.1493436.

  • Jenkins, H. J., A. Kongsted, S. D. French, T. S. Jensen, K. Doktor, J. Hartvigsen, and M. Hancock. “What Are the Effects of Diagnostic Imaging on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Low Back Pain Presenting for Chiropractic Care: A Matched Observational Study.” Chiropr Man Therap 29, no. 1 (Nov 23 2021): 46.

  • Jones C, Abdel Shaheed C, Ferreira GE, Maher CG, Kharel P, Lin C. Advice and education provide small short-term improvements in pain and disability in people with non-specific spinal pain: a systematic review. J Physiother 2021 Oct;67(4):263-270

  • Jones, C. M. P., and C. G. Maher. “”To the Editor of the Journal of Pain Research” [Letter].” J Pain Res 14 (2021): 3649-50.

  • Jones, C. M., C. A. Shaheed, G. E. Ferreira, P. Kharel, C. W. C Lin, and C. G. Maher. “Advice and Education Provide Small Short-Term Improvements in Pain and Disability in People with Non-Specific Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review.” J Physiother (Sep 10 2021).

  • Jones, C., and M. Sterling. “Clinimetrics: Neck Disability Index.” J Physiother 67, no. 2 (Apr 2021): 144.

  • Kamper, S. J. “Confounding: Linking Evidence to Practice.” J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 51, no. 8 (Aug 2021): 412-13.

  • Karunaratne, S., I. A. Harris, L. Trevena, M. Horsley, and M. Solomon. “Observing the Use of Knee Arthroplasty Appropriateness Tools in Clinical Practice: Do Appropriateness Criteria Tools Predict Surgeon Decision-Making?”, Osteoarthritis Cartilage (Jul 2 2021).

  • Karunaratne, S., I. A. Harris, L. Trevena, M. Horsley, M. Fajardo, and M. Solomon. “Online Decision Aids for Knee Arthroplasty: An Environmental Scan.” JBJS Rev 9, no. 4 (Apr 8 2021). 10.2106/jbjs.Rvw.20.00088.

  • Kerr, M. M., S. E. Graves, K. M. Duszynski, M. C. Inacio, R. N. de Steiger, I. A. Harris, I. N. Ackerman, L. R. Jorm, M. F. Lorimer, A. Gulyani, and N. L. Pratt. “Does a Prescription-Based Comorbidity Index Correlate with the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Score and Mortality after Joint Arthroplasty? A Registry Study.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research  (Jul 7 2021).

  • Khalatbari-Soltani S, Stanaway F, Sherrington C, Blyth FM, Naganathan V, Handelsman DJ,  Seibel MJ, Waite LM, Le Couteur DG, Cumming RG. The prospective association between socioeconomic status and falls among community-dwelling older men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 Sep 13;76(10):1821-1828.doi: 10.1093/gerona/glab038.

  • Kharel, P., J. R. Zadro, and C. G. Maher. “Physiotherapists Can Reduce Overuse by Choosing Wisely.” J Physiother (Jun 18 2021).

  • Khorami, A. K., C. B. Oliveira, C. G. Maher, P. J. E. Bindels, G. C. Machado, R. Z. Pinto, B. W. Koes, and A. Chiarotto. “Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment of Lumbosacral Radicular Pain: A Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines.” J Clin Med 10, no. 11 (Jun 3 2021).

  • Kirwan, D. P., B. Imis YP, and I. A. Harris. “Increased Early Mortality in Bilateral Simultaneous Tka Using Conventional Instrumentation Compared with Technology-Assisted Surgery: A Study of 34,908 Procedures from a National Registry.” J Bone Joint Surg Am  (Sep 21 2021).

  • Langford AV, Ngo GT, Chen TF, Roberts C, Schneider CR. Nurses’, Pharmacists’ and Family Physicians’ Perceptions of Psychotropic Medication Monitoring in Australian Long-Term Care Facilities: A Qualitative Framework Analysis. Drugs Aging. 2021 Feb;38(2):169-179. doi: 10.1007/s40266-020-00825-3

  • Langford AV, Schneider CR, Lin CWC, Gnjidic D. Can we improve patient outcomes through using evidence-based opioid deprescribing guidelines to reduce opioid use? Pain. Volume 163 – Issue 2 – p e382 doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002371

  • Langford, A. V., D. Gnjidic, C. C. Lin, L. Bero, F. Blyth, J. Penm, and C. R. Schneider. “”The Lesser of Two Evils”: A Framework Analysis of Consumers’ Perspectives on Opioid Deprescribing and the Development of Opioid Deprescribing Guidelines.” Pain 162, no. 11 (Nov 1 2021): 2686-92.

  • Lawson, A., J. M. Naylor, R. Buchbinder, R. Ivers, Z. J. Balogh, P. Smith, W. Xuan, K. Howard, A. Vafa, D. Perriman, R. Mittal, P. Yates, B. Rieger, G. Smith, S. Adie, I. Elkinson, W. Kim, J. Sungaran, K. Latendresse, J. Wong, S. Viswanathan, K. Landale, H. Drobetz, P. Tran, R. Page, S. Beattie, J. Mulford, I. Incoll, M. Kale, B. Schick, T. Li, A. Higgs, A. Oppy, and I. A. Harris. “Surgical Plating Vs Closed Reduction for Fractures in the Distal Radius in Older Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” JAMA Surg  (Jan 13 2021).

  • Lawson, A., M. Na, J. M. Naylor, A. M. Lewin, and I. A. Harris. “Volar Locking Plate Fixation Versus Closed Reduction for Distal Radial Fractures in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” JBJS Rev 9, no. 1 (Jan 20 2021): e20.00022.

  • Lee, H., A. G. Cashin, S. E. Lamb, S. Hopewell, S. Vansteelandt, T. J. VanderWeele, D. P. MacKinnon, G. Mansell, G. S. Collins, R. M. Golub, J. H. McAuley, A. R. Localio, L. van Amelsvoort, E. Guallar, J. Rijnhart, K. Goldsmith, A. J. Fairchild, C. C. Lewis, S. J. Kamper, C. M. Williams, and N. Henschke. “A Guideline for Reporting Mediation Analyses of Randomized Trials and Observational Studies: The Agrema Statement.” JAMA 326, no. 11 (Sep 21 2021): 1045-56.

  • Lewin, A. M., M. Fearnside, R. Kuru, B. P. Jonker, J. M. Naylor, M. Sheridan, and I. A. Harris. “Rates, Costs, Return to Work and Reoperation Following Spinal Surgery in a Workers’ Compensation Cohort in New South Wales, 2010-2018: A Cohort Study Using Administrative Data.” BMC Health Serv Res 21, no. 1 (Sep 11 2021): 955.

  • Liu, C. Abdel Shaheed, L. C. Braten, M. J. Hancock, M. Underwood, J. G. Jarvik, et al. Antibiotic treatment for low back pain or radicular pain, or both. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021 Issue 9.

  • Lo, S. Y., E. Reeve, A. T. Page, S. T. R. Zaidi, S. N. Hilmer, C. Etherton-Beer, A. McLachlan, L. Pont, and V. Naganathan. “Attitudes to Drug Use in Residential Aged Care Facilities: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Nurses and Care Staff.” Drugs Aging  (Jun 25 2021).

  • Macedo, L. G., J. Richardson, M. C. Battie, M. Hancock, M. Kwan, G. Hladysh, and L. Zhuo. “Back to Living Well: Community-Based Management of Low Back Pain: A Feasibility Study.” Pilot Feasibility Stud 7, no. 1 (Jun 24 2021): 134.

  • Machado, G. C., C. Abdel-Shaheed, M. Underwood, and R. O. Day. “Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Nsaids) for Musculoskeletal Pain.” BMJ 372 (Jan 29 2021): n104.

  • Macniven R, Coombes J, Wilson R, Simon A, Mackean T, Hunter K, Ma T, Gwynn J, Sherrington C, Tiedemann A, Hill AM, Delbaere K, Lewis C, Bennett-Brook K, Howie A, Stewart G, Shakespeare M, Rogers K, Ivers RQ, Clapham K. Understanding implementation factors and participant experiences of a cluster randomised controlled trial to prevent falls among older Aboriginal people: a process evaluation protocol. Inj Prev. 2021 Jan 5:injuryprev-2020-043980. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2020-043980. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33402353.

  • Maher, C, and Ferreira, G. “Time to Reconsider What Global Burden of Disease Studies Really Tell Us About Low Back Pain.” Ann Rheum Dis (2021): annrheumdis-2021-221173.

  • Maher, C. G. “Photobiomodulation Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Time to Move On.” Pain  (Jan 8 2021).

  • Maher, C. G., A. C. Traeger, C. Abdel Shaheed, and M. O’Keeffe. “Placebos in Clinical Care: A Suggestion Beyond the Evidence.” Med J Aust (Sep 19 2021).

  • Marashi-Pour, S., D. E. Watson, and I. A. Harris. “Association between Number of Replacements and Readmissions Following Total Knee and Total Hip Replacements in New South Wales’ Public Hospitals.” ANZ J Surg (May 24 2021).

  • Mathieson S, Abdel Shaheed C, Nogueira LAC. Neuropathic pain and sciatica. Clinical Focus Primary Care. 2021;13(3):154–159.

  • Mathieson S, Abdel Shaheed C. Opioid deprescribing in primary care. Clinical Focus Primary Care. 2021;13(3):138–141.

  • Mathieson S, Bagg MK, Maher CG, Schoene M. Letter to the editor re Nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic management of acute pain from non–low back, musculoskeletal injuries in adults: a clinical guideline from the American College of Physicians and American Academy of Family Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2021; 174(5):732-733.

  • Mathieson, S., M. K. Bagg, M. Schoene, and C. G. Maher. “Nonpharmacologic and Pharmacologic Management of Acute Pain from Non-Low Back, Musculoskeletal Injuries in Adults.” Ann Intern Med 174, no. 5 (May 2021): 732-33.

  • McKeon, G., A. Tiedemann, C. Sherrington, S. Teasdale, C. Mastrogiovanni, R. Wells, Z. Steel, and S. Rosenbaum. “Feasibility of an Online, Mental Health-Informed Lifestyle Program for People Aged 60+ Years During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Health Promot J Austr  (Sep 8 2021).

  • Melman, A., C. G. Maher, and G. C. Machado. “Virtual Hospitals: Why We Need Them, How They Work and What Might Come Next.” J Physiotherapy 67, no. 3 (Jul 2021): 156-57.

  • Menon, R., A. Wang, K. Chamberlain, L. Harris, T. Li, I. A. Harris, J. Naylor, M. B. Pinheiro, and S. Adie. “Has the Reporting of Patient-Important Outcomes Improved in Surgical Trials? A Meta-Epidemiological Study.” ANZ J Surg 91, no. 10 (Oct 2021): 2014-20.

  • Merom, D., F. Stanaway, K. Gebel, J. Sweeting, A. Tiedemann, S. Mumu, and D. Ding. “Supporting Active Ageing before Retirement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Workplace Physical Activity Interventions Targeting Older Employees.” BMJ Open 11, no. 6 (Jun 30 2021): e045818.

  • Mitchell RJ, Fajardo Pulido D, Ryder T, Norton G, Brodaty H, Draper B, Close JCT, Rapport F, Lystad R, Harris I, Harvey L, Sherrington C, Cameron ID, Braithwaite J. Access to rehabilitation services for older adults living with dementia or in a residential aged care facility following a hip fracture: healthcare professionals’ views. Disabil Rehabil. 2021 Mar;43(6):834-845. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1643418.

  • Miyamoto, G. C., Ben, A. J., Bosmans, J. E., van Tulder, M. W., Lin, C.-W. C., Cabral, C. M. N., & van Dongen, J. M. (2021). Interpretation of trial-based economic evaluations of musculoskeletal physical therapy interventions. Braz J Phys Ther. , 25(5), 514-529.

  • Montero-Odasso, M, van der Velde, N, Alexander, NB, Becker, C, Blain, H, Camicioli, R, Close, J, Duan, L, Duque, G, Ganz, DA, Gómez, F, Hausdorff , JM, Hogan, DB, Jauregui, JR, Kenny, RA, Lipsitz, LA, Logan, P, Lord, SR, Mallett, L, Milisen, K, Nieuwboer, A, Petrovic, M, Ryg, J, Sejdic, E, Sherrington, C, Skelton, D, Speechley, M, Tan, MP, van der Cammen, T, Verghese, J, Kamkar, N, Sarquis-Adamson, Y & Masud, T. New horizons in falls prevention and management for older adults: a global perspective. A worldwide task force developing global clinical practice guideline for the prevention and management of falls in older adults: towards an international consensus. Age Ageing. 2021 Sep 11;50(5):1499-1507. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afab076.

  • Montero-Odasso, M., N. van der Velde, N. B. Alexander, C. Becker, H. Blain, R. Camicioli, J. Close, L. Duan, G. Duque, D. A. Ganz, F. Gómez, J. M. Hausdorff, D. B. Hogan, J. R. Jauregui, R. A. Kenny, L. A. Lipsitz, P. A. Logan, S. R. Lord, L. Mallet, D. R. Marsh, F. C. Martin, K. Milisen, A. Nieuwboer, M. Petrovic, J. Ryg, E. Sejdic, C. Sherrington, D. A. Skelton, M. Speechley, M. P. Tan, C. Todd, T. van der Cammen, J. Verghese, N. Kamkar, Y. Sarquis-Adamson, and T. Masud. “New Horizons in Falls Prevention and Management for Older Adults: A Global Initiative.” Age and Ageing 50, no. 5 (Sep 11 2021): 1499-507.

  • Moore, E., T. R. Stanton, A. Traeger, G. L. Moseley, and C. Berryman. “Determining the Credibility, Accuracy and Comprehensiveness of Websites Educating Consumers on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Accessible in Australia: A Systematic Review.” Aust J Prim Health  (Nov 24 2021).

  • Morris EJ, Tofts L, Patterson M, Birke O, Adams R, Epps A, Knox K, McKay MJ, Baldwin JN, Burns J, Pacey V. Physical performance of children with longitudinal fibular deficiency (fibular hemimelia). Disability and Rehabilitation 2021 (in press). Collaboration with the Westmead Children’s Hospital from the 1000 Norms Project. Q1 Rehabilitation

  • Nascimento DP, Gonzalez GZ, Araujo AC, Moseley A, Maher C, Costa LOP. Factors associated with the reporting quality of low back pain systematic review abstracts in physical therapy: a methodological study. Braz J Phys Ther. 2021;25(3):233-41.

  • Naylor, J. M., M. Buhagiar, N. Johns, J. Penm, S. Adie, I. A. Harris, and W. Xuan. “Prescription Opioids Higher among Knee Arthroplasty Recipients Randomized to Inpatient Rehabilitation.” ACR Open Rheumatology (Jul 10 2021).

  • Nicholson L, McKay MJ, Baldwin JN, Burns J, Cheung W, Yip S, Chan C. Is there a relationship between sagittal cervical spine mobility and generalised joint hypermobility? A cross-sectional study of 1000 healthy Australians. Physiotherapy 2021 Collaboration within The University of Sydney from the 1000 Norms Project. Q1 Physical therapy

  • Nim, C. G., A. Downie, S. O’Neill, G. N. Kawchuk, S. M. Perle, and C. Leboeuf-Yde. “The Importance of Selecting the Correct Site to Apply Spinal Manipulation When Treating Spinal Pain: Myth or Reality? A Systematic Review.” Sci Rep 11, no. 1 (Dec 3 2021): 23415.

  • O’Brien D, Dixon W, Terry G, Baldwin JN, Larmer PJ. The Lived Experiences of Māori Tāne with Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 2021 vol. 49, no. 3, Nov. 2021, pp. 127. Collaboration with Auckland University of Technology and Honours student supervision. Q4 Physical Therapy

  • O’Brien D, Ellis R, Quicke J, Pigg W, Evans N, Baldwin JN, Dziedzic K. An evidence-informed Model of Care for people with lower-limb osteoarthritis in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 2021;49(1):24-30. Ongoing collaboration from AUT Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Q4 Physical therapy

  • O’Keeffe, M., A. Barratt, A. Fabbri, J. R. Zadro, G. E. Ferreira, S. Sharma, and R. N. Moynihan. “Global Media Coverage of the Benefits and Harms of Early Detection Tests.” JAMA Intern Med  (Apr 5 2021).

  • O’Keeffe, M., A. Barratt, and R. Moynihan. “Preventing Media-Based False Hopes-Reply.” JAMA Intern Med  (Aug 23 2021).

  • O’Brien, D. W., Siegert, R. J., Bassett, S., Baldwin, J. N., & Clair, W. S. (2021). New Zealand Physiotherapists’ and General Practitioners’ Treatment Knowledge and Referral Decisions for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Vignette-based Study. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, 49(3).

  • O’Hagan, E. T., A. C. Traeger, S. Bunzli, H. B. Leake, S. M. Schabrun, B. M. Wand, S. O’Neill, I. A. Harris, and J. H. McAuley. “What Do People Post on Social Media Relative to Low Back Pain? A Content Analysis of Australian Data.” Musculoskelet Sci Pract 54 (Aug 2021): 102402.

  • O’Keeffe, M., B. Nickel, T. Dakin, C. G. Maher, L. Albarqouni, K. McCaffery, A. Barratt, and R. Moynihan. “Journalists’ Views on Media Coverage of Medical Tests and Overdiagnosis: A Qualitative Study.” BMJ Open 11, no. 6 (Jun 1 2021): e043991.

  • Oliveira C, Amorim H, Coombs D, Richards B, Maher CG, Machado GC. Emergency department interventions for adult patients with low back pain: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Emerg Med J. 2021;38(1):59-68.

  • Oliveira JS, Sherrington C, Rissel C, Merom D, Wickham J, Lord SR, Simpson JM, Tiedemann A. Statistical analysis plan for the coaching for healthy AGEing trial – a cluster-randomised controlled trial to enhance physical activity and prevent falls in community-dwelling older people. Braz J Phys Ther. 2021 Nov-Dec;25(6):908-914. doi: 10.1016/j.bjpt.2021.10.003.

  • Oliveira JS, Sherrington C, Rissel C, Merom D, Wickham J, Lord SR, Simpson JM, Tiedemann A. Statistical analysis plan for the coaching for healthy AGEing trial – a cluster-randomised controlled trial to enhance physical activity and prevent falls in community-dwelling older people. Braz J Phys Ther. 2021 Nov-Dec;25(6):908-914.

  • Oliveira, C. B., C. G. Maher, B. W. Koes, S. P. Cohen, and R. Z. Pinto. “Reply to the Letter to the Editor Concerning “Epidural Corticosteroid Injections for Sciatica: A Cochrane Review of Epidural Corticosteroid Injections Distorts the Truth”.” Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 46, no. 13 (Jul 1 2021): E750-e51.

  • Oliveira, C. B., M. Hamilton, A. Traeger, R. Buchbinder, B. Richards, E. Rogan, C. G. Maher, and G. C. Machado. “Do Patients with Acute Low Back Pain in Emergency Departments Have More Severe Symptoms Than Those in General Practice? A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.” Pain Med  (Sep 4 2021).

  • Oliveira, J. S., C. Sherrington, C. Rissel, D. Merom, J. Wickham, S. R. Lord, J. M. Simpson, and A. Tiedemann. “Statistical Analysis Plan for the Coaching for Healthy Ageing Trial – a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial to Enhance Physical Activity and Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older People.” Braz J Phys Ther  (Nov 12 2021).

  • Ong, JH, Simic, M, Eisenhuth, J, Burns J, Baldwin JN, McKay MJ. Normative reference values for knee extensor muscle rate of torque development and torque steadiness in adolescents and adults. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 2021 (in press).

  • O’Sullivan, I. C., K. M. Crossley, S. J. Kamper, M. van Middelkoop, B. Vicenzino, M. M. Franettovich Smith, H. B. Menz, A. J. Smith, K. Tucker, K. T. O’Leary, N. Costa, and N. J. Collins. “Happi Kneecaps! A Double-Blind, Randomised, Parallel Group Superiority Trial Investigating the Effects of Shoe Inserts for Adolescents with Patellofemoral Pain: Phase Ii Feasibility Study.” J Foot Ankle Res 14, no. 1 (Dec 10 2021): 64.

  • Paul S, Li Q, Harvey L, Carroll T, Priddis A, Tiedemann A, Clemson L, Lord SR, Close JCT, Sherrington C. Scale-up of the Stepping On fall prevention program among older adults in NSW: program reach and fall-related health service use. Health Promot J Austr. 2021 Oct;32 Suppl 2:391-398. doi: 10.1002/hpja.413.

  • Paul SS, Canning CG, Löfgren N, Sherrington C, Lee DC, Bampton J, Howard K. People with Parkinson’s disease are more willing to do additional exercise if the exercise program has specific attributes: a discrete choice experiment. J Physiother. 2021 Jan;67(1):49-55. doi: 10.1016/j.jphys.2020.12.007

  • Pierobon, A., F. Villalba, G. Ferreira, and C. G. Maher. “Insights into Low Back Pain Management in Argentina.” Braz J Phys Ther 25, no. 6 (Nov-Dec 2021): 659-63.

  • Purcell, K., A. Tiedemann, M. T. Kristensen, C. Cunningham, V. Hjermundrud, P. Ariza-Vega, M. Perracini, and C. Sherrington. “Mobilisation and Physiotherapy Intervention Following Hip Fracture: Snapshot Survey across Six Countries from the Fragility Fracture Network Physiotherapy Group.” Disability and Rehabilitation (Sep 12 2021): 1-8.

  • Quigg KH, Berggren KN, McIntyre M, Bates K, Salmin F, Casiraghi JL, D’Amico A, Astrea G, Ricci F, McKay MJ, Baldwin JN, Burns J, Campbell C, Sansone VA, and Johnson NE: 12-Month Progression of Motor and Functional Outcomes in Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy. Muscle & Nerve 2021 (in press).

  • Reis F, Soares L, Ferreira GE, Costa LOP, Nogueira L, Meziat-Filho N. Meditation for Adults with Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Scand J Pain. 2021 Sep 13;22(1):26-39

  • Reito, A., I. A. Harris, and T. Karjalainen. “Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy: Did It Ever Work?”, Acta Orthop  (Oct 22 2021): 1.

  • Rizzo, R. R. N., M. C. Ferraro, M. A. Wewege, A. G. Cashin, H. B. Leake, E. T. O’Hagan, M. D. Jones, S. M. Gustin, A. J. McLachlan, R. Day, and J. H. McAuley. “Targeting Neurotrophic Factors for Low Back Pain and Sciatica: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Rheumatology (Oxford)  (Oct 22 2021).

  • Robertson, A., M. Birch, I. A. Harris, R. Buchbinder, G. Ferreira, M. O’Keeffe, C. G. Maher, and J. R. Zadro. “Online Information About the Effectiveness of Shoulder Surgery Is Not Based on the Best Available Evidence: A Content Analysis.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 102, no. 11 (Nov 2021): 2141-49.e2.

  • Robson, E., S. J. Kamper, H. Lee, K. Palazzi, K. M. O’Brien, A. Williams, R. K. Hodder, and C. M. Williams. “Compliance with Telephone-Based Lifestyle Weight Loss Programs Improves Low Back Pain but Not Knee Pain Outcomes: Complier Average Causal Effects Analyses of 2 Randomised Trials.” Pain  (Oct 12 2021).

  • Sayah, S. M., S. Karunaratne, P. R. Beckenkamp, M. Horsley, M. J. Hancock, D. J. Hunter, R. D. Herbert, T. F. de Campos, and D. Steffens. “Clinical Course of Pain and Function Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression.” J Arthroplasty  (Jun 29 2021).

  • Sezgin, D., M. O’Donovan, J. Woo, K. Bandeen-Roche, G. Liotta, N. Fairhall, A. Rodríguez-Laso, J. Apóstolo, R. Clarnette, C. Holland, R. Roller-Wirnsberger, M. Illario, L. R. Mañas, M. Vollenbroek-Hutten, B. B. Doğu, C. Balci, F. O. Pernas, C. Paul, E. Ahern, R. Romero-Ortuno, W. Molloy, M. T. Cooney, D. O’Shea, J. Cooke, D. Lang, A. Hendry, S. Kennelly, K. Rockwood, A. Clegg, A. Liew, and R. O’Caoimh. “Early Identification of Frailty: Developing an International Delphi Consensus on Pre-Frailty.” Arch Gerontol Geriatr 99 (Nov 20 2021): 104586.

  • Sharma S, Correia H, Pathak A, Terwee CB, Abbott JH, Maharjan R, Sharma S, Sharma J, Maharjan S, Reed D, Jensen MP. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of Nepali versions of the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS®) pain intensity, pain interference, pain behavior, depression, and sleep disturbance short forms in chronic musculoskeletal pain. Quality of Life Research. 2021 Jan 22:1-0.

  • Sharma S, Traeger AC, Tcharkhedian E, Harrison J, Hersch JK, Pickles K, Harris IA, Maher CG. “”I Would Not Go to Him”: Community Responses to a Public Health Campaign Aimed at Reducing Unnecessary Diagnostic Imaging of Low Back Pain. A Qualitative Study.”, Health Expectations (01/02/2021).

  • Sharma, S., A. C. Traeger, E. Tcharkhedian, J. Harrison, J. K. Hersch, K. Pickles, I. A. Harris, and C. G. Maher. “I Would Not Go to Him”: Focus Groups Exploring Community Responses to a Public Health Campaign Aimed at Reducing Unnecessary Diagnostic Imaging of Low Back Pain.” Health Expect  (Feb 18 2021).

  • Sharma, S., A. C. Traeger, E. Tcharkhedian, P. M. Middleton, L. Cullen, and C. G. Maher. “Effect of a Waiting Room Communication Strategy on Imaging Rates and Awareness of Public Health Messages for Low Back Pain.” Int J Qual Health Care 33, no. 4 (Oct 26 2021).

  • Sharma, S., A. C. Traeger, G. C. Machado, C. Abdel Shaheed, C. Jones, and C. G. Maher. “Effect of Covid-19 on Management of Patients with Low Back Pain in the Emergency Department.” Australas Emerg Care  (Jul 8 2021).

  • Skinner, I., M. Hübscher, H. Lee, A. C. Traeger, G. L. Moseley, B. M. Wand, S. M. Gustin, and J. H. McAuley. “Do People with Acute Low Back Pain Have an Attentional Bias to Threat-Related Words?”, Scand J Pain  (May 21 2021).

  • Soares, L. O., G. E. Ferreira, L. O. P. Costa, L. C. Nogueira, N. Meziat-Filho, and F. J. J. Reis. “Meditation for Adults with Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Scand J Pain  (Sep 13 2021).

  • Stamatakis E, Huang BH, Maher C, Thøgersen-Ntoumani C, Stathi A, Dempsey PC, Johnson N, Holtermann A, Chau JY, Sherrington C, Daley AJ, Hamer M, Murphy MH, Tudor-Locke C, Gibala MJ. Untapping the Health Enhancing Potential of Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity (VILPA): Rationale, Scoping Review, and a 4-Pillar Research Framework. Sports Med. 2021 Jan;51(1):1-10. doi: 10.1007/s40279-020-01368-8. PMID: 33108651; PMCID: PMC7806564.

  • Stieven FF, Ferreira GE, Araujo FXA, Angellos R, Faria M, Rosa LHT. Immediate effects of dry needling and myofascial release on local and widespread pressure pain threshold in individuals with active upper trapezius trigger points: a randomized clinical trial. J Man Physiol Ther. 2021 S0161-4754(20)30150-0.

  • Tamrakar, M., M. O’Keeffe, A. C. Traeger, I. Harris, and C. Maher. “Diagnostic Codes for Low Back Pain, Nomenclature or Noise? A descriptive Study of Disease Classification System Coding of Low Back Pain.” Int J Rheum Dis  (Dec 15 2021).

  • Tamrakar, M, Kharel P, Traeger A, Maher C, O’Keeffe M, and Ferreira G. “Completeness and Quality of Low Back Pain Prevalence Data in the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.” BMJ Global Health 6, no. 5 (2021): e005847.

  • Tan, R. Z. H., I. Lockart, C. Abdel Shaheed, and M. Danta. “Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis: The Effects of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Anti-Platelet Therapy on the Incidence and Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.” Aliment Pharmacol Ther  (Jul 11 2021).\

  • Taylor J, Walsh S, Kwok W, Pinheiro MB, Oliveira JS, Hassett L, Bauman A, Bull F, Tiedemann A, Sherrington C.  “A Scoping Review of Physical Activity Interventions for Older Adults.”, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity  (Accepted 14 May 2021).

  • Taylor J, Walsh S, Kwok W, Pinheiro MB, Oliveira JS, Hassett L, Bauman A, Bull F, Tiedemann A, Sherrington C. A scoping review of physical activity interventions for older adults. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2021 Jun 30;18(1):82. doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01140-9.

  • Taylor ME, Wesson J, Sherrington C, Hill KD, Kurrle S, Lord SR, Brodaty H, Howard K, O’Rourke SD, Clemson L, Payne N, Toson B, Webster L, Savage R, Zelma G, Koch C, John B, Lockwood K, Close JCT. Tailored Exercise and Home Hazard Reduction Program for Fall Prevention in Older People With Cognitive Impairment: The i-FOCIS Randomized Controlled Trial. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 Mar 31;76(4):655-665. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glaa241. PMID: 32949456.

  • Thompson R, Muscat DM, Jansen J, Cox D, Zadro JR, Traeger AC, McCaffery K. The promise and perils of patient decision aids for reducing low-value care. BMJ Quality and Safety 2021;30:407-411

  • Tiedemann A, Purcell K, Clemson L, Lord SR, Sherrington C. Fall prevention behaviour after participation in the Stepping On program: a pre-post study. Public Health Res Pract. 2021 Mar 10;31(1):30122004. doi: 10.17061/phrp30122004.

  • Tiedemann A, Sturnieks DL, Hill A-M, Lovitt L, Clemson L, Lord SR, Sherrington C. Impact of a fall prevention education program for health and exercise professionals: a randomised controlled trial. Public Health Research and Practice. 2021 Sep 8;31(3):30342013.

  • Traeger AC, Soon J, O’Keeffe M, Décary S, Michaleff ZA, Zadro JR. Overcoming Overuse. Part 4: Small Business Survival. J OrthopSports Phys Ther2021;51(1):1-4 Invited article

  • Traeger, A. C., A. Qaseem, and J. H. McAuley. “Low Back Pain.” JAMA 326, no. 3 (Jul 20 2021): 286.

  • Traeger, A. C., G. C. Machado, S. Bath, M. Tran, L. Roper, C. Oliveira, A. Peek, D. Coombs, A. Hall, E. Tcharkhedian, and C. G. Maher. “Appropriateness of Imaging Decisions for Low Back Pain Presenting to the Emergency Department: A Retrospective Chart Review Study.” Int J Qual Health Care 33, no. 3 (Jul 24 2021).

  • Umashankar, E., C. Abdel-Shaheed, M. Plit, and L. Girgis. “Assessing the Role for Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy in Interstitial Lung Disease Classification: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Rheumatology (Oxford)  (Oct 20 2021).

  • Vasiljevski, E. R., Burns, J., Bray, P., Donlevy, G., Mudge, A. J., Jones, K. J., Baldwin JN .Schindeler, A. (2021). L-carnitine supplementation for muscle weakness and fatigue in children with neurofibromatosis type 1: A Phase 2a clinical trial. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 185(10), 2976-2985. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.62392 Q2 Genetics

  • Vratsistas-Curto A, Sherrington C, McCluskey A. Dosage and predictors of arm exercise/practice during inpatient stroke rehabilitation: an inception cohort study. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2021 Mar;43(5):640-647. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1635215.

  • Wallbank, G., Sherrington, C., Hassett, L., Canning, C. G., Shepherd, R., Richards, B., Mackay, C., & Tiedemann, A. (2021). Active Women over 50. Promoting Physical Activity in Women Over 50: A Randomized Trial. American Journal of Health Promotion.

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  • West, K., Purcell, K., Haynes, A., Taylor, J., Hassett, L., Sherrington, C. “People Associate Us with Movement so It’s an Awesome Opportunity”: Perspectives from Physiotherapists on Promoting Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2021 Mar 14;18(6):2963. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18062963.

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The Institute for Musculoskeletal Health acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia where we work and live. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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