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2023 IMH Publications

  • Abdel Shaheed [SB1] C, Hayes C, Maher CG, Ballantyne JC, Underwood M, McLachlan AJ, Martin JH, Narayan SW, & Sidhom MA. Opioid analgesics for nociceptive cancer pain: A comprehensive review. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2023; 1-28.

  • Abdel Shaheed C, Ivers R, Vizza L, McLachlan A, Kelly PJ, Blyth F, Stanaway F, Clare PJ, Thompson R, Lung T, Degenhardt L, Reid S, Martin B, Wright M, Osman R, French S, McCaffery K, Campbell G, Jenkins H, Mathieson S, Boogs M, McMaugh J, Bennett C & Maher C. Clinical Observation, Management and Function Of low back pain Relief Therapies (COMFORT): A cluster randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open 2023; 13(11), e075286.

  • Abdel Shaheed C, Mathieson S, Wilson R, Furmage AM, & Maher CG. (2023). Who should judge treatment effects as unimportant? Journal of Physiotherapy 2023; 69(3), 133-135.

  • Ackerman IN, Berkovic D, Soh SE, Naylor J, Lewis P, de Steiger R, Buchbinder R, Ademi Z, Vallance P & Harris IA. Stakeholder perspectives on short-stay joint replacement programs: results from a national cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research 2023; 23(1), 1436.

  • Aggarwal A, Adie S, Harris IA & Naylor J. Cryotherapy following total knee replacement. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023, 9(9), CD007911.

  • Ahern S, Marshall S, Wallbank G, Jawad D, Taki S, Baur LA & Wen LM. Communication strategies and effectiveness of early childhood obesity-related prevention programs for linguistically diverse communities: A rapid review. Obesity Reviews 2023, 24(12), e13634.

  • Almeida MO, Narciso Garcia A, Menezes Costa LC, van Tulder MW, Lin CC & Machado LA. The McKenzie method for (sub)acute non-specific low back pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023, 4(4), CD009711.

  • Ambrens M, Stanners M, Valenzuela T, Razee H, Chow J, van Schooten KS, Close JCT, Clemson L, Zijlstra GAR, Lord SR, Tiedemann A, Alley SJ, Vandelanotte C & Delbaere K. Exploring Older Adults' Experiences of a Home-Based, Technology-Driven Balance Training Exercise Program Designed to Reduce Fall Risk: A Qualitative Research Study Within a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy 2023, 46(2), 139-148.

  • Anderson PA, McLachlan AJ, Abdel Shaheed C, Gnjidic D, Ivers R & Mathieson S. Deprescribing interventions for gabapentinoids in adults: A scoping review. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2023, 89(9), 2677-2690.

  • Aravind N, Treacy D, Chagpar S, Harvey LA, Glinsky JV, Sherrington C & Hassett LM. Implementing digital devices to increase mobility training for people receiving inpatient rehabilitation: protocol for a feasibility hybrid type II randomized controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2023, 9(1), 69.

  • Armstrong E, Harvey LA, Payne NL, Zhang J, Ye P, Harris IA, Tian M & Ivers RQ. Do we understand each other when we develop and implement hip fracture models of care? A systematic review with narrative synthesis. BMJ Open Quality 2023, 12(Supplementary 2).

  • Baldwin JN, Hassett L & Sherrington C. Framework to Classify Physical Activity Intervention Studies for Older Adults. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 2023 8(3), e000230.

  • Baldwin JN, He J, Oliveira JS, Bates A, Tiedemann A, Hassett L, Sherrington C & Pinheiro MB. Responsiveness of Patient-Reported and Device-based Physical Activity Measures: Secondary Analysis of Four Randomised Trials. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2023.

  • Baldwin JN, Pinheiro MB, Hassett L, Oliveira JS, Gilchrist H, Bauman AE, Milat A, Tiedemann A & Sherrington C. Physical activity research: time to scale up! British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023, 57(19), 1229-1230.

  • Banks E, Haynes A, Lovett R, Yadav UN & Agostino J. Output-orientated policy engagement: a model for advancing the use of epidemiological evidence in health policy. Health Research Policy Systems 2023, 21(1), 6.

  • Bejarano G, Csiernik B, Zadro JR & Ferreira GE. Compared to what? An analysis of comparators in trials informing the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) low back pain guideline. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 2023, 27(6), 100563.

  • Ben M, Glinsky JV, Chu J, Spooren AI, Roberts S, Chen LW, Denis S, Lorusso M, Jorgensen V, Gollan EJ, Agostinello J, Van Laake-Geelen CCM, Lincoln C, Stolwijk JM, Bell C, Paddison S, Rainey D, Tranter K, Ilha J, Oostra K, Sherrington C & Harvey LA. Early and intensive Motor Training for people with spinal cord injuries (the SCI-MT Trial): description of the intervention. Spinal Cord 2023, 61(11), 600-607.

  • Berkovic D, Vallance P, Harris IA, Naylor JM, Lewis PL, de Steiger R, Buchbinder R, Ademi Z, Soh SE & Ackerman IN. A systematic review and meta-analysis of short-stay programmes for total hip and knee replacement, focusing on safety and optimal patient selection. BMC Medicine 2023, 21(1), 511.

  • Calais-Ferreira L, Pozzobon D, Pinheiro MB, Blyth FM, Ordonana JR, Duncan GE, Hopper JL, Ferreira PH & Ferreira ML. Sex differences in lifetime prevalence of low back pain: A multinational study of opposite-sex twin pairs. European Journal of Pain 2023, 27(10), 1150-1160.

  • Cashin AG, Wand BM, O'Connell NE, Lee H, Rizzo RRN, Bagg MK, O'Hagan E, Maher CG, Furlan AD, van Tulder MW & McAuley JH. Pharmacological treatments for low back pain in adults: an overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023 (4).

  • Chen Q, Maher CG, Han CS, Abdel Shaheed C, Lin CC, Rogan EM & Machado GC. Continued Opioid Use and Adverse Events Following Provision of Opioids for Musculoskeletal Pain in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Drugs 2023, 83(16), 1523-1535.

  • Chen Q, Maher CG, Rogan E & Machado G. Management of low back pain in Australian emergency departments for culturally and linguistically diverse populations from 2016 to 2021. Emergency Medicine Journal 2023, 40(7), 486-492.

  • Chen Q, Vella SP, Maher CG, Ferreira GE & Machado GC. Racial and ethnic differences in the use of lumbar imaging, opioid analgesics and spinal surgery for low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Pain 2023, 27(4), 476-491.

  • Cheng ETL, Cheik-Hussein M, Lin N, Lewin AM, McAuley JH & Harris IA. A meta-epidemiological study on the reported treatment effect of pregabalin in neuropathic pain trials over time. PLOS ONE 2023, 18(1), e0280593.

  • Chu J, Glinsky JV, Liu H, Ben M, Spooren AI, Roberts S, Chen LW, Di Natal F, Tamburella F, Jørgensen V, Gollan EJ, Agostinello J, van Laake-Geelen C, Lincoln C, van der Lede J, Stolwijk JM, Bell C, Paddison S, Rainey D, Scivoletto G, Oostra KM, Jan S, Sherrington C, Harvey LA. Early and Intensive Motor Training for people with spinal cord injuries (the SCI-MT Trial): protocol of the process evaluation. BMJ Open 2023, 13(8), e072219.

  • Ciciriello S, Littlejohn G, Treuer T, Gibson KA, Haladyj E, Youssef P, Bird P, O'Sullivan C, Smith T, Deakin CT & Rheumatology, O. Comparative Effectiveness of First-Line Baricitinib in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Australian OPAL Data Set. ACR Open Rheumatology 2023, 5(7), 345-353.

  • Clemson L, Stark S, Pighills AC, Fairhall NJ, Lamb SE, Ali J & Sherrington C. (2023). Environmental interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community. Cochrane Database Sysematic Reviews 2023, 3(3), CD013258.

  • Correa LA, Bittencourt JV, Mathieson S & Nogueira LAC. Pain-related interference and pain-related psychosocial factors of three different subgroups of patients with chronic low back pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 2023, 63, 102718. [AE2] 

  • Cuadra G, Oliveira JS, Pinheiro MB, Tiedemann A, Sherrington C, Pivotto L, Khalatbari-Soltani S, Sharma S & Costa N. Physical Activity Interventions for Adults Aged 60+ Years in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2023, 20(7), 578-585.

  • Dawson R, Oliveira JS, Kwok WS, Bratland M, Rajendran IM, Srinivasan A, Chu CY, Pinheiro MB, Hassett L & Sherrington C. Exercise Interventions Delivered Through Telehealth to Improve Physical Functioning for Older Adults with Frailty, Cognitive, or Mobility Disability: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Telemedicine and e-Health 2023.

  • Dawson R, Pinheiro M, Naganathan V, Taylor M, Delbaere K, Oliveira J, Haynes A, Rayner J, Hassett L, Sherrington C. Physiotherapy-led telehealth, and exercise intervention to improve mobility in older people receiving aged care services (TOP UP): protocol for a randomised controlled type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2023. 6(2)

  • de Campos TF, da Silva TM, Maher CG, Pocovi NC & Hancock MJ. Prognosis of a new episode of low-back pain in a community inception cohort. European Journal of Pain 2023, 27(5), 602-610.

  • de Campos TF, Vertzyas N, Wolden M, Hewawasam D, Douglas B, McIllhatton C, Hili J, Molnar C, Solomon MI, Gass GC & Mungovan SF. Orthostatic Intolerance-Type Events Following Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 2023, 105(3), 239-249.

  • de Luca K, McLachlan AJ, Maher CG & Machado GC. Australian emergency department care for older adults diagnosed with low back pain of lumbar spine origin: a retrospective analysis of electronic medical record system data (2016-2019). BMC Emergency Medicine 2023, 23(1), 17.

  • Deakin CT, De Stavola BL, Littlejohn G, Griffiths H, Ciciriello S, Youssef P, Mathers D, Bird P, Smith T, O'Sullivan C, Freeman T, Segelov D, Hoffman D, Seaman SR & Network OR. Comparative Effectiveness of Adalimumab vs Tofacitinib in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in Australia. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6(6), e2320851.

  • Deakin CT, Littlejohn GO, Griffiths H, Ciciriello S, O'Sullivan C, Smith T, Youssef P, Bird P & Consortium O. Comparative effectiveness of etanercept originator and biosimilar for treating rheumatoid arthritis: implications for cost-savings. Internal Medicine Journal 2023.

  • Duarte MP, Ribeiro HS, Neri SGR, Almeida, LS, Oliveira JS, Viana JL & Lima RM. Prevalence of low bone mineral density (T-score </= - 2.5) in the whole spectrum of chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporosis International 2023, 34(3), 467-477.

  • Dyer SM, Suen J, Kwok WS, Dawson R, McLennan C, Cameron ID, Hill KD & Sherrington C. Exercise for falls prevention in aged care: systematic review and trial endpoint meta-analyses. Age Ageing 2023, 52(12).

  • El-Kotob R, Pagcanlungan JR, Craven BC, Sherrington C, Mourtzakis M & Giangregorio LM. Exploring participants' perspectives on adverse events due to resistance training: a qualitative study. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2023, 48(6), 427-435.

  • Espirito Santo CM, Santos VS, Kamper SJ, Williams CM, Miyamoto GC & Yamato TP. Overview of the economic burden of musculoskeletal pain in children and adolescents: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Pain 2023, 165(2), 296-323.

  • Feise RJ, Mathieson S, Kessler RS, Witenko C, Zaina F & Brown BT. Benefits and harms of treatments for chronic nonspecific low back pain without radiculopathy: systematic review and meta-analysis. The Spine Journal 2023, 23(5), 629-641.[CM3] [AE4] [CM5] [AE6] 

  • Ferguson IMC, Miller MR, Partyka C, Bliss J, Aneman A & Harris IA. The effect of ketamine and fentanyl on haemodynamics during intubation in pre-hospital and retrieval medicine. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2023 67(3), 364-371.

  • Ferreira GE, Abdel-Shaheed C, Underwood M, Finnerup NB, Day RO, McLachlan A, Eldabe S, Zadro JR & Maher CG. Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of antidepressants for pain in adults: overview of systematic reviews. BMJ 2023, 380, e072415.

  • Ferreira GE, Zadro J, Jones C, Ayre J, Lin C, Richards B, Needs C, Abdel Shaheed C, McLachlan A, Day RO & Maher CG. General practitioners' decision-making process to prescribe pain medicines for low back pain: a qualitative study. BMJ Open 2023, 13(10), e074380.

  • Ferreira GE, Zadro JR, Traeger AC, Jones CP, West CA, O'Keeffe M, Jenkins H, McAuley J & Maher CG. Adding Brief Pain Science or Ergonomics Messages to Guideline Advice Did Not Increase Feelings of Reassurance in People With Acute Low Back Pain: A Randomized Experiment. Journal Orthopopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2023, 53(12), 1-11.

  • Fritsch CG, Abdel-Shaheed C, Mohamed R, Ferreira PH, McLachlan AJ & Ferreira ML. A qualitative assessment of a text message intervention for people with low back pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 2023, 64, 102739.

  • Gan JFL, McKay MJ, Jones CMP, Harris IA, McCaffery K, Thompson R, Hoffmann TC, Adie S, Maher CG & Zadro JR. Developing a patient decision aid for Achilles tendon rupture management: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open 2023, 13(6), e072553.

  • Gharaibeh MA, Tarassoli P, Chen DB, Wood JA, Beuzeville S, Quinn R, Harris IA & MacDessi SJ. Does Choice of Patellar Implant in Total Knee Arthroplasty Matter?: A Randomized Comparative Trial of 3 Commonly Used Designs. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2023, 105(2), 145-156.

  • Gilchrist H, Haynes A, Oliveira JS, Grunseit A, Sherrington C, Bauman A, Shepherd R & Tiedemann A. The Value of Mind-Body Connection in Physical Activity for Older People. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2023, 31(1), 81-88.

  • Gilchrist H, Haynes A, Oliveira JS, Sherrington C, Clementson L, Glenn J, Jones J, Sesto R & Tiedemann A. 'My words become my hands': Yoga instructors' experiences of adapting teleyoga in the SAGE fall prevention trial-A qualitative analysis. Digital Health 2023, 9, 20552076231185273.

  • Gleadhill C, Lee H, Kamper SJ, Cashin A, Hansford H, Traeger AC, Viana Da Silva P, Nolan E, Davidson SRE, Wilczynska M, Robson E & Williams CM. Mixed messages: most spinal pain and osteoarthritis observational research is unclear or misaligned. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 155, 39-47.

  • Sidhu VS, Kelly TL, Pratt N, Graves SE, Buchbinder R, Adie S, Cashman K, Ackerman IN, Bastiras D, Brighton R, Burns AWR, Chong BH, Clavisi O, Cripps M, Dekkers M, de Steiger R, Dixon M, Ellis A, Griffith EC, Hale D, Hansen A, Harris A, Hau R, Horsley M, James D, Khorshid O, Kuo L, Lewis PL,  Lieu D, Lorimer M, MacDessi SJ, McCombe P, McDougall C, Mulford J, Naylor JM, Page SP, Radovanovic J, Solomon M, Sorial R, Summersell P, Tran P, Walter WL, Webb S, Wilson C, Wysocki D & Harris IA. Effect of Aspirin vs Enoxaparin on 90-Day Mortality in Patients Undergoing Hip or Knee Arthroplasty: A Secondary Analysis of the CRISTAL Cluster Randomized Trial. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6(6), e2317838.

  • Hamdard K, Harris IA, Sarrami P, Shu CC, Brown J, Singh H, Levesque JF & Dinh M. Falls from ladders in New South Wales: A data-linkage study. Injury 2023, 54(2), 442-447.

  • Hamilton M, Lin CW, Arora S, Harrison M, Tracy M, Nickel B, Shaheed CA, Gnjidic D & Mathieson S. Understanding general practitioners' prescribing choices to patients with chronic low back pain: a discrete choice experiment. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2023.

  • Hamilton M, Kwok WS, Hsu A, Mathieson S, Gnjidic D, Deyo R, Ballantyne J, Von Korff M, Blyth F & Lin CC. Opioid deprescribing in patients with chronic noncancer pain: a systematic review of international guidelines. Pain 2023, 164(3), 485-493.

  • Han CS, Hancock MJ, Downie A, Jarvik JG, Koes BW, Machado GC, Verhagen AP, Williams CM, Chen Q, & Maher CG. Red flags to screen for vertebral fracture in people presenting with low back pain. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews 2023, 8(8), CD014461.

  • Han CS, Hancock MJ, Sharma S, Sharma S, Harris IA, Cohen SP, Magnussen J, Maher CG & Traeger AC. Low back pain of disc, sacroiliac joint, or facet joint origin: a diagnostic accuracy systematic review. eClinicalMedicine 2023, 59, 101960.

  • Han CS, Maher CG, Steffens D, Diwan A, Magnussen J, Hancock EC & Hancock MJ. Some magnetic resonance imaging findings may predict future low back pain and disability: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy 2023, 69(2), 79-92.

  • Harris IA, Sidhu VS & Buchbinder R. Low Molecular Weight Heparin is Superior to Aspirin in the Prevention of Thromboembolic Disease, or is it? Response to an Editorial. Journal of Arthroplasty 2023, 38(4), e7-e8.


  • Harvey LA, Glinsky JV, Chu J, Herbert RD, Liu H, Jan S, Billot L, Scivoletto G, Spooren AI, Seelen HA, Ben M, Tranter K, Chen LW, Rainey D, Rimmer C, Jorgensen V, Di Natal F, Denis S, Gollan EJ, Tamburella F, Agostinello J, van Laake-Geelan CM, Bell C, Lincoln C, Stolwijk JM, van der Lede J, Paddison S, Oostra K, Cameron ID, Weber G, Sherrington C, Nunn AK, Synnott EL, McCaughey E, Kaur J & Shetty S. Early and intensive motor training to enhance neurological recovery in people with spinal cord injury: trial protocol. Spinal Cord 2023, 61(9), 521-527.

  • Hassett L. Physiotherapy management of moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Physiotherapy 2023, 69(3), 141-147.

  • Hassett L, McKay MJ, Cole J, Moseley AM, Chagpar S, Geerts M, Kwok WS, Jensen C, Sherrington C & Shields N. Effects of sport or physical recreation for adults with physical or intellectual disabilities: a systematic review with meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023.

  • Haynes A, Gilchrist H, Oliveira J, Sherrington C & Tiedemann A. Avoiding God’s waiting room: Lessons from the lived experiences of older people who use technology to support physical activity. Physical Activity and Health. 2023 Jan 24;7(1):24-42.

  • Haynes A, Howard K, Johnson L, Williams G, Clanchy K, Tweedy S, Scheinberg A, Chagpar S, Wang B, Vassallo G, Ashpole R, Sherrington C & Hassett L. Physical Activity Preferences of People Living with Brain Injury: Formative Qualitative Research to Develop a Discrete Choice Experiment. The Patient 2023, 16(4), 385-398.

  • Haynes A, Tiedemann A, Hewton G, Chenery J, Sherrington C, Merom D & Gilchrist H. “It doesn't feel like exercise”: a realist process evaluation of factors that support long-term attendance at dance classes designed for healthy ageing. Frontiers in Public Health 2023 Dec 20(11) p1284272.

  • Hicks KM, Orange ST, Dulson D, Ansdell P, Todryk S, Gilbert SE & Saxton JM. The Effect of Menstrual-Cycle Phase on Immune Responses to a 5-km Cycling Time Trial: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 2023, 18(4), 435-439.

  • Ho EK, Ferreira ML, Bauman A, Carvalho ESAP, Pinheiro MB, Hubscher M, Calais-Ferreira L, Simic M & Ferreira PH. Beneficial and harmful effects of physical activity on care-seeking for low back pain: the AUTBACK study. European Spine Journal 2023.

  • Ho EK, Ferreira ML, Bauman A, Carvalho ESAP, Pinheiro MB, Hubscher M, Calais-Ferreira L, Simic M & Ferreira PH. Correction: Beneficial and harmful effects of physical activity on care‑seeking for low back pain: the AUTBACK study. European Spine Journal 2023.

  • Ho EK, Mobbs RJ, van Gelder JM, Harris IA, Davis G, Stanford R, Beard DJ, Maher CG, Prior J, Knox M, Anderson DB, Buchbinder R & Ferreira ML. Challenges of conducting a randomised placebo-controlled trial of spinal surgery: the SUcceSS trial of lumbar spine decompression. Trials 2023, 24(1), 794.

  • Ho KKN, Skarpsno ES, Nilsen KB, Ferreira PH, Pinheiro MB, Hopstock LA, Johnsen MB, Steingrimsdottir OA, Nielsen CS, Stubhaug A & Simic M. A bidirectional study of the association between insomnia, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and comorbid low back pain and lower limb pain. Scandinavian Journal of Pain 2023, 23(1), 110-125.

  • Hoskins W, Bingham R, Corfield S, Harries D, Harris IA & Vince KG. (2023). Do the Revision Rates of Arthroplasty Surgeons Correlate With Postoperative Patient-reported Outcome Measure Scores? A Study From the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2023, 482(1), 98-112.

  • Irving MJ, Pescud M, Howse E, Haynes A & Rychetnik L. (2023). Developing a systems thinking guide for enhancing knowledge mobilisation in prevention research. Public Health Research and Practice, 33(2).

  • Oliveria JS, Gilbert S, Pinheiro MB, Tiedemann A, Macedo LB, Maia L, Kwok W, Hassett L & Sherrington C. Effect of sport on health in people aged 60 years and older: a systematic review with meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023, 57(4), 230-236.

  • Jee AS, Stewart I, Youssef P, Adelstein S, Lai D, Hua S, Stevens W, Proudman S, Ngian GS, Glaspole IN, Moodley YP, Bleasel JF, Macansh S, Nikpour M, Sahhar J, Corte TJ. Australian Scleroderma Cohort Study, A. S. I. G. A. I. P. F. R, & associated, i. A Composite Serum Biomarker Index for the Diagnosis of Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease: A Multicenter, Observational Cohort Study. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2023, 75(8), 1424-1433.

  • Jenkin DE, Harris IA, Descallar J & Naylor JM. (2023). Discharge to inpatient rehabilitation following arthroplasty is a strong predictor of persistent opioid use 90 days after surgery: a prospective, observational study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2023, 24(1), 31.

  • Johnson L, Williams G, Sherrington C, Pilli K, Chagpar S, Auchett A, Beard J, Gil R, Vassallo G, Rushworth N, Tweedy S, Simpson G, Scheinberg A, Clanchy K, Tiedemann A & Hassett L. Correction to: the effect of physical activity on health outcomes in people with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a rapid systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Public Health 2023, 23(1), 433.

  • Johnson L, Williams G, Sherrington C, Pilli K, Chagpar S, Auchettl A, Beard J, Gill R, Vassallo G, Rushworth N, Tweedy S, Simpson G, Scheinberg A, Clanchy K, Tiedemann A & Hassett L. The effect of physical activity on health outcomes in people with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a rapid systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Public Health 2023, 23(1), 63.

  • Jones CMP, Coombs D, Lin CC, Traeger A, Li Q, Abdel Shaheed C, Sharma S, Maher CG & Machado GC. Implementation of a model of care for low back pain produces sustained reduction in opioid use in emergency departments. Emergency Medicine Journal 2023, 40(5), 359-360.

  • Jones CMP, Abdel Shaheed C, Ferreira GE, Mannix L, Harris IA, Buchbinder R & Maher CG. Author Response. Journal of Patient Safety 2023, 19(2), e55.

  • Jones CMP, Day RO, Koes BW, Latimer J, Maher CG, McLachlan AJ, Billot L, Shan S, Lin CC, Investigators, O, & Coordinators. (2023). Opioid analgesia for acute low back pain and neck pain (the OPAL trial): a randomised placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet 2023, 402(10398), 304-312.

  • Jones CMP, Lin CC, Day RO, Koes BW, Latimer J, Maher CG, McLachlan A & Billot L. Correction: OPAL: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial of opioid analgesia for the reduction of pain severity in people with acute spinal pain—a statistical analysis plan. Trials 2023, 24(1), 479.

  • Jones CMP, Lin CC, Blease C, Lawson J, Shaheed CA & Maher CG. Time to reflect on open-label placebos and their value for clinical practice. Pain 2023, 164(10), 2139-2142.

  • Karjalainen VL, Harris IA, Raisanen M & Karjalainen T. Minimal invasions: is wrist arthroscopy supported by evidence? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Orthopaedica 2023, 94, 200-206.

  • Karunaratne S, Harris IA, Horsley M, Trevena L, & Solomon M. Establishing a hierarchy of total knee arthroplasty patients' goals and its congruity to health professionals' perceptions: a cohort study. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2023.

  • Kharel P, Zadro JR, Chen Z, Himbury MA, Traeger AC, Linklater J & Maher CG. Awareness and use of five imaging decision rules for musculoskeletal injuries: a systematic review. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2023, 16(1), 85.

  • Kharel P, Zadro JR, Ferreira GE, Howell M, Howard K, Wortley S, McLennan C & Maher CG. Can language enhance physical therapists' willingness to follow Choosing Wisely recommendations? A best-worst scaling study. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 2023, 27(4), 100534.

  • Khatib Y, Xia A, Liu R, Naylor JM & Harris IA. Less improvement in knee function and higher rates of dissatisfaction in the short-term following total knee arthroplasty in people with mild radiographic arthritis. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2023, 143(5), 2721-2731.

  • Kwok WS, Dolja-Gore X, Khalatbari-Soltani S, Byles J, Oliveira JS, Pinheiro MB, Naganathan V, Tiedemann A, & Sherrington C. Physical activity and injurious falls in older Australian women: adjusted associations and modification by physical function limitation and frailty in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Age Ageing 2023, 52(6).

  • 1 news outlet[SB7] [SB8] [SB9] [SB10] 

  • Langford AV, Bero L, Lin CC, Blyth FM, Doctor JN, Holliday S, Jeon YH, Moullin JC, Murnion B, Nielsen S, Penm J, Reeve E, Reid S, Wale J, Osman R, Gnjidic D & Schneider CR. Context matters: using an Evidence to Decision (EtD) framework to develop and encourage uptake of opioid deprescribing guideline recommendations at the point-of-care. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2023, 165, 111204.

  • Langford AV, Lin CC, Bero L, Blyth FM, Doctor J, Holliday S, Jeon YH, Moullin J, Murnion B, Nielsen S, Osman R, Penm J, Reeve E, Reid S, Wale J, Schneider CR & Gnjidic D. Clinical practice guideline for deprescribing opioid analgesics: summary of recommendations. The Medical Journal of Australia 2023, 219(2), 80-89.

  • Langford AV, Schneider CR, Lin CC, Bero L, Collins JC, Suckling B & Gnjidic D. (2023). Patient-targeted interventions for opioid deprescribing: An overview of systematic reviews. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2023, 133(6), 623-639.

  • Lawson A, Naylor J, Mittal R, Kale M, Xuan W & Harris IA. (2023). Does Radiographic Alignment Correlate With Patient-Reported Functional Outcomes and Posttreatment Complications in Older Patients Treated for Wrist Fractures? The Journal of Hand Surgery, 48(6), 533-543.

  • Leite MN, Hoffmann TC, Helal L, Umpierre D & Yamato TP. Helping to know about the intervention: The Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist is now available in Brazilian Portuguese. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 2023, 27(1), 100483.

  • Lewin AM, Naylor JM, Sheridan M & Harris IA. Audit of surgeon billing in workers compensation-insured elective spinal surgery in New South Wales, Australia from 2010 to 2018. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2023, 93(9), 2106-2111.

  • Li N, Leong R & Youssef P. Combination non tumour necrosis factor biologic and small-molecule therapy in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis and Crohn disease. Internal Medicine Journal 2023, 53(6), 1083-1084.

  • 1 news outlet[SB11] 

  • Liu C, Ferreira GE, Abdel Shaheed C, Chen Q, Harris IA, Bailey CS, Peul WC, Koes B & Lin CC. Surgical versus non-surgical treatment for sciatica: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ 2023, 381, e070730.

  • Liu S, Almansour HA, Pham L, Genel F, Harris IA, Patanwala AE, Adie S, Stevens J, Hassett G, Luckie K, Penm J, & Naylor J. Patients' experiences of subacute pain management following total hip or knee arthroplasty: A qualitative study. Musculoskeletal Care 2023, 21(4), 1612-1621.

  • Luca K, McLachlan AJ, Maher CG, & Machado GC. Correction: Australian emergency department care for older adults diagnosed with low back pain of lumbar spine origin: a retrospective analysis of electronic medical record system data (2016-2019). BMC Emergency Medicine 2023, 23(1), 67.

  • Machado GC, Metcalfe D, Underwood M, Maher CG. Back pain: a target for reducing hospital admissions? The Lancet Rheumatology 2023 5: E643-E645

  • Maher C. Critically appraised paper: Cognitive functional therapy produces sustained improvements in chronic, disabling low back pain [commentary]. Journal of Physiotherapy 2023, 69(3), 191.

  • Maher C, McLachlan A & Shaheed CA. A Second Look at the Risks of Serious Adverse Events with Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, Paracetamol, and NSAID Treatment of Neck Pain. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 2023, 53(6), 369-369.

  • Maher CG, Archambeau A, Buchbinder R, French SD, Morphet J, Nicholas MK, O'Sullivan P, Pirotta M, Yelland MJ, Zeller L, Saad N, Marles E, Bhasale AL & Lane C. Introducing Australia's clinical care standard for low back pain. Journal of Physiotherapy 2023, 69(4), 205-207.

  • Maher CG, Archambeau A, Buchbinder R, French SD, Morphet J, Nicholas MK, O'Sullivan P, Pirotta M, Yelland MJ, Zeller L, Saad N, Marles E, Bhasale AL & Lane C. Introducing Australia's clinical care standard for low back pain. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2023, 93(6), 1476-1479.

  • Maher CG, Archambeau A, Buchbinder R, French SD, Morphet J, Nicholas MK, O'Sullivan P, Pirotta M, Yelland MJ, Zeller L, Saad N, Marles E, Bhasale AL & Lane C. Introducing Australia's clinical care standard for low back pain. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 2023, 67(4), 404-408.

  • Maher CG, Archambeau A, Buchbinder R, French SD, Morphet J, Nicholas MK, O'Sullivan P, Pirotta M, Yelland MJ, Zeller L, Saad N, Marles E, Bhasale AL & Lane C. Introducing Australia's clinical care standard for low back pain. Medical Journal of Australia 2023, 218(8), 354-356.

  • Maher CG, Archambeau A, Buchbinder R, French SD, Morphet J, Nicholas MK, O'Sullivan P, Pirotta M, Yelland MJ, Zeller L, Saad N, Marles E, Bhasale AL & Lane C. Introducing Australia's clinical care standard for low back pain. Emergency Medicine Australasia 2023, 35(3), 370-373.

  • Maher CG, Archambeau A, Buchbinder R, French SD, Morphet J, Nicholas MK, O'Sullivan P, Pirotta M, Yelland MJ, Zeller L, Saad N, Marles E, Bhasale AL & Lane C. Introducing Australia's clinical care standard for low back pain. Internal Medicine Journal 2023, 53(5), 664-667.

  • Maher CG, Archambeau A, Buchbinder R, French SD, Morphet J, Nicholas MK, O'Sullivan P, Pirotta M, Yelland MJ, Zeller L, Saad N, Marles E, Bhasale AL & Lane C. Introducing Australia's clinical care standard for low back pain : A new clinical care standard provides evidence-based guidance to help clinicians deliver best care for people with low back pain. Chiropratric & Manual Therapies 2023, 31(1), 17.

  • Maher CG, Ferreira GE & Jones CMP. Global Burden of Disease data for Indonesia. The Lancet Global Health 2023, 11(3), e335.

  • Maher CG, Jones CMP, Coombs D & Ferreira GE.  Considerable Uncertainty About the Burden of Gout in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Journal of Rheumatology 2023, 50(9), 1201-1202.

  • Malliaras P, O'Keeffe M, Ridgway J, Whale R, Vasan V, L'Huillier P, Towers M & Farlie MK. Patient experiences of rotator cuff-related shoulder pain and their views on diagnostic shoulder imaging: a qualitative study. Disability and Rehabilitation 2023, 1-8.

  • Affliate[SB12] [SB13] 

  • Manewell SM, Aitken SJ, Nube VL, Crawford AM, Constantino MI, Twigg SM, Menz HB, Sherrington C & Paul SS. (2023). Timing of minor and major amputation in patients with diabetes-related foot ulceration admitted to two public tertiary referral hospitals in Australia. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2023, 93(6), 1510-1516.

  • Manewell SM, Rao P, Haneman K, Zheng M, Charaf H, Menz HB, Sherrington C, & Paul SS. Prevention and management of foot and lower limb health complications in adults undergoing dialysis: a scoping review. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2023, 16(1), 81.

  • Manuel K, Block H, Crotty M, Harvey G, Kurrle SE, Cameron I, Lockwood K, Sherrington C, Pond D, Nguyen TA & Laver K. Implementation of a frailty intervention in the transition from hospital to home: a realist process evaluation protocol for the FORTRESS trial. BMJ Open 2023, 13(6), e070267.

  • McCartney M, McCutcheon C, Cooke M, MacDonald R, Mekwi L, Noruddin UH & O'Keeffe M. Investigation into financial conflicts of interest and screening for atrial fibrillation in the UK: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Evidence Based Medicine 2023, 28(1), 15-20.

  • Affliate[SB14] [SB15] 

  • Melman A, Lord HJ, Coombs D, Zadro JR, Maher CG & Machado GC. Global prevalence of hospital admissions for low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2023, 13(4), e069517.

  • Melman A, Maher CG, Needs C, Richards B, Rogan E, Teng MJ & Machado GC. Management of patients with low back pain admitted to hospital: An observational study of usual care. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2023, 26(1), 60-68.

  • Melman A, Vella SP, Dodd RH, Coombs DM, Richards B, Rogan E, Teng MJ, Maher CG, Ghinea N & Machado GC. Clinicians' Perspective on Implementing Virtual Hospital Care for Low Back Pain: Qualitative Study. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 2023, 10, e47227.

  • Moritz D, Pearce S, West K, Sherrington C & Bellew W. Children with disability in competitive Little Athletics: a systems thinking approach to rules and law. Sport in Society 2023.

  • Mulford JS, Ackerman I, Holder C, Cashman KS, Graves SE & Harris IA. The association between body mass index and patient-reported outcome measures before and after primary total hip or knee arthroplasty: a registry. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2023, 93(6), 1665-1673.

  • Muscat DM, Thompson R, Cvejic E, Smith J, Chang EH, Tracy M, Zadro JR, Lindner R & McCaffery KJ. Randomized Trial of the Choosing Wisely Consumer Questions and a Shared Decision-Making Video Intervention on Decision-Making Outcomes. Medical Decision Making 2023, 43(6), 642-655.

  • Narayan SW, Gad F, Chong J, Chen VM & Patanwala AE. Preventability of venous thromboembolism in hospitalised patients. Internal Medicine Journal 2023, 53(4), 577-583.

  • Nascimento Leite M, Kamper SJ, O'Connell NE, Michaleff ZA, Fisher E, Viana Silva P, Williams CM & Yamato TP. Physical activity and education about physical activity for chronic musculoskeletal pain in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews 2023, 7(7), CD013527.

  • Affliate

  • Naylor JM, Harris IA, Joon S, Boland R, Brady B, Ogul S & Mittal R. Preliminary insights into patient preparedness for knee or hip arthroplasty: a descriptive survey study. BMC Research Notes 2023, 16(1), 60.

  • O'Hagan ET, Cashin AG, Traeger AC & McAuley JH. Person-centred education and advice for people with low back pain: Making the best of what we know. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 2023, 27(1), 100478.

  • Altmetric score: 62, 97th percentile[SB16] 

  • Oliveira CB, Coombs D, Machado GC, McCaffery K, Richards B, Pinto RZ, O'Keeffe M, Maher CG & Christofaro DGD. Process evaluation of the implementation of an evidence-based model of care for low back pain in Australian emergency departments. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 2023, 66, 102814.

  • Oliveira CB, Ferreira GE, Buchbinder R, Machado GC & Maher CG. Do national health priorities align with Global Burden of Disease estimates on disease burden? An analysis of national health plans and official governmental websites. Public Health 2023, 222, 66-74.

  • Oliveira JS, Gilbert S, Pinheiro MB, Tiedemann A, Macedo LB, Maia L, Kwok W, Hassett L &  Sherrington C. Effect of sport on health in people aged 60 years and older: a systematic review with meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023, 57:230-236.[SB17] 

  • Osan JK, Harris IA, Harries D, Peng Y, Yates PJ & Jones CW. Stemmed Tibial Fixation for Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty in Obese Patients-A National Registry Study. The Journal of Arthroplasty 2023.

  • Pavlovic N, Brady B, Boland R, Harris IA, Flood VM, Genel F, Gao M & Naylor JM. A mixed methods approach to investigating physical activity in people with obesity participating in a chronic care programme awaiting total knee or hip arthroplasty. Musculoskeletal Care 2023, 21(4), 1447-1462.

  • Pavlovic N, Harris IA, Boland R, Brady B, Genel F & Naylor J. The effect of body mass index and preoperative weight loss in people with obesity on postoperative outcomes to 6 months following total hip or knee arthroplasty: a retrospective study. Arthroplasty 2023, 5(1), 48.

  • Pavlovic N, Naylor J, Boland R, Harris IA, Flood VM, Genel F, Gao M, Hackett D, Vleeskens C & Brady B. Why do some people with osteoarthritis and obesity awaiting hip or knee arthroplasty achieve successful weight management? A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2023, 32(19-20), 7543-7559.

  • Pearce L, Costa N, Sherrington C & Hassett L. Implementation of digital health interventions in rehabilitation: A scoping review. Clinical Rehabilitation 2023, 37(11), 1533-1551.

  • Pham JP, Boot M, Stefani M, Chapman S, Byrne A, Abdel-Shaheed C & Girgis L. Disseminated Mycobacterium chelonae infection complicating rheumatoid arthritis: A case report and review of the literature. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2023, 26(6), 1167-1171.

  • Pickering G, O'Keeffe M, Bannister K, Becker S, Cottom S, Cox FJ, Eisenberg E, Finn DP, Graven-Nielsen T, Meeus M, Mouraux A, Tolle T, Garcia-Larrea L, & Fullen BM. Why Europe needs a pain research strategy. European Journal of Pain 2023, 27(10), 1147-1149.

  • Affliate[SB18] [SB19] 

  • Pickles T, Cowern M, Christensen R, Nielsen SM, Simon LS, Jones CMP, Maxwell LJ, Shea B, Strand V, Touma Z, Toupin-April K, Mease P & Choy E. Exploring the complexities of pain phenotypes: OMERACT 2023 chronic pain working group workshop. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 2023, 64, 152342.

  • Pinheiro MB, Hassett L, Sherrington C, Hayes A, van den Berg M, Lindley RI, Crotty M, Chagpar S, Treacy D, Weber H, Fairhall N, Wong S, McCluskey A, Togher L, Scrivener K & Howard K. Economic evaluation of digitally enabled aged and neurological rehabilitation care in the Activity and MObility UsiNg Technology (AMOUNT) trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 2023, 37(5), 651-666.

  • Pinheiro MB, Howard K, Oliveira JS, Kwok WS, Tiedemann A, Wang B, Taylor J, Bauman A, & Sherrington C. Cost-effectiveness of physical activity programs and services for older adults: a scoping review. Age Ageing 2023, 52(3).

  • Pisaniello HL, Lester S, Russell O, Black R, Tieu J, Richards B, Barrett C, Lassere M, March L, Buchbinder R, Whittle SL & Hill CL. (2023). Trajectories of self-reported pain-related health outcomes and longitudinal effects on medication use in rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective cohort analysis using the Australian Rheumatology Association Database (ARAD). Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease Open 2023, 9(3).

  • Pocovi NC, Ayre J, French SD, Lin CC, Tiedemann A, Maher CG, Merom D, McCaffrey K & Hancock MJ. Physiotherapists should apply health coaching techniques and incorporate accountability to foster adherence to a walking program for low back pain: a qualitative study. Journal of Physiotherapy 2023, 69(3), 182-188.

  • Pocovi NC, Graham PL, Lin CC, French SD, Latimer J, Merom D, Tiedemann A, Maher CG, van Dongen JM, Clavisi O & Hancock MJ. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a progressive, individualised walking and education program for prevention of low back pain recurrence in adults: statistical analysis plan for the WalkBack randomised controlled trial. Trials 2023, 24(1), 197.

  • Pocovi NC, Kent P, Lin CC, French SD, de Campos TF, da Silva T & Hancock MJ. Recurrence of low back pain: A difficult outcome to predict. Development and validation of a multivariable prediction model for recurrence in patients recently recovered from an episode of non-specific low back pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 2023, 64, 102746.

  • Purcell K, Taylor J, West K, Haynes A, Hassett L & Sherrington C. Promotion of physical activity by health professionals in a sample of six public hospitals: A cross sectional study. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 2023.

  • Ramsay N, Close JCT, Harris IA & Harvey LA. The impact of cement fixation on early mortality in arthroplasty for hip fracture. Bone & Joint Open 2023, 4(3), 198-204.

  • Ramsay N, Close JCT, Harris IA & Harvey LA. The impact of fixation type for intertrochanteric femoral fracture on patient survival. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2023, 93(7-8), 1917-1923.

  • Ribeiro HS, Andrade FP, Leal DV, Oliveira JS, Wilund KR & Viana JL. How is exercise being prescribed for patients on hemodialysis? A scoping review. Journal of Nephrology 2023, 36(5), 1307-1319.

  • Rizzo RRN, Wand BM, Leake HB, O'Hagan ET, Bagg MK, Bunzli S, Traeger AC, Gustin SM, Moseley GL, Sharma S, Cashin AG & McAuley JH. "My Back is Fit for Movement": A Qualitative Study Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial for Chronic Low Back Pain. The Journal of Pain 2023, 24(5), 824-839.

  • Ryan CG, Karran EL, Wallwork SB, Pate JW, O'Keeffe M, Fullen BM, Livadas N, Jones N, Toumbourou JW, Gilchrist P, Cameron PA, Fatoye F, Ravindran D & Moseley LG. We Are All in This Together-Whole of Community Pain Science Education Campaigns to Promote Better Management of Persistent Pain. The Journal of Pain 2023.

  • Sandau N, Aagaard TA, Hrobjartsson A, Harris IA & Brorson S. A meta-epidemiological study found that meta-analyses of the same trials may obtain drastically conflicting results. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2023, 156, 95-104.

  • Sarkies MN, Testa L, Carrigan A, Roberts N, Gray R, Sherrington C, Mitchell R, Close JCT, McDougall C & Sheehan K. Perioperative interventions to improve early mobilisation and physical function after hip fracture: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Age Ageing 2023, 52(8).

  • Schmid AB, Tampin B, Baron R, Finnerup NB, Hansson P, Hietaharju A, Konstantinou K, Lin CC, Markman J, Price C, Smith BH, & Slater H. (2023). Recommendations for terminology and the identification of neuropathic pain in people with spine-related leg pain. Outcomes from the NeuPSIG working group. Pain 2023, 164(8), 1693-1704.

  • Sherrington C. Critically appraised paper: Timing and coordination training does not enhance standard treatment benefit on mobility in community-dwelling older adults [commentary]. Journal of Physiotherapy 2023, 69(2), 125.

  • Sidhu V, Badge H, Churches T, Maree Naylor J, Adie S, & Harris IA. Comparative effectiveness of aspirin for symptomatic venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty, a cohort study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2023, 24(1), 629.

  • Sidhu V, Naylor JM, Adie S, Bastiras D, Buchbinder R, Ackerman I & Harris IA. Post-discharge patient-reported non-adherence to aspirin compared to enoxaparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after hip or knee arthroplasty. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2023, 93(4), 989-994.

  • Sidhu VS & Harris IA. Aspirin vs Enoxaparin and Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism in Hip or Knee Arthroplasty-Reply. JAMA 2023, 329(2), 177-178.

  • Sidhu VS, Naylor JM, Adie S, Lieu D, Walker R, Horsley M, Kim RG, & Harris IA. Is Enoxaparin Associated With a Higher Risk of Persistent Wound Drainage Than Aspirin? A Secondary Analysis of Data From the CRISTAL Randomized Trial. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2023, 481(7), 1351-1359.

  • Suen J, Kneale D, Sutcliffe K, Kwok W, Cameron ID, Crotty M, Sherrington C & Dyer S. Critical features of multifactorial interventions for effective falls reduction in residential aged care: a systematic review, intervention component analysis and qualitative comparative analysis. Age Ageing 2023, 52(11).

  • Taylor WJ, Willink R, O'Connor DA, Patel V, Bourne A, Harris IA, Whittle SL, Richards B, Clavisi O, Green S, Hinman RS, Maher CG, Cahill A, McPherson A, Hewson C, May SE, Walker B, Robinson PC, Ghersi D, Fitzpatrick J, Winzenberg T, Fallon K, Glasziou P, Billot L & Buchbinder R. Which clinical research questions are the most important? Development and preliminary validation of the Australia & New Zealand Musculoskeletal (ANZMUSC) Clinical Trials Network Research Question Importance Tool (ANZMUSC-RQIT). PLOS ONE 2023, 18(3), e0281308.

  • Thogersen-Ntoumani C, Kritz M, Grunseit A, Chau J, Ahmadi M, Holtermann A, Koster A, Tudor-Locke C, Johnson N, Sherrington C, Paudel S, Maher CG & Stamatakis E. Barriers and enablers of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) in physically inactive adults: a focus group study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2023, 20(1), 78.

  • Tiedemann A, Sherrington C, Bauman A & Ding D. Supporting physical activity in an ageing world: a call for action. The Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific 2023, 35, 100546.

  • Traeger AC, & Bero LA. (2023). Corporate Influences on Science and Health-the Case of Spinal Cord Stimulation. JAMA Internal Medicine 2023. Published online.

  • Traeger AC, Gilbert SE, Harris IA, & Maher CG. Response to Durbhakula and colleagues. Pain Medicine 2023, 24(9), 1127-1128.

  • Traeger AC, Gilbert SE, Harris IA, & Maher CG. Spinal cord stimulation for low back pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023.

  • Tran DT, Lewin AM, Jorm L, & Harris IA. Elective spinal surgery in New South Wales adults, 2001-20, by procedure funding type: a cross-sectional study. The Medical Journal of Australia 2023, 219(7), 303-309.

  • Treacy D & Sherrington C. Mobility and Frailty Rehabilitation in Older Adults. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 2023 39(2), 124-130.

  • Truthmann J, Kasch R, Hancock MJ, Maher CG, Chenot JF, & Schmidt CO. General Population Research Is Not Patient Research; and Despite This Can Be of Clinical Interest. Spine 2023, 48(9), E130-E131.

  • Tymms K, O'Sullivan C, Smith T, Littlejohn G, Freeman T, Hoffman D, Segelov D, Griffiths H, Ciciriello S, Youssef P, Mathers D, & Deakin CT. A novel electronic patient-reported outcome delivery system to implement health-related quality of life measures in routine clinical care: An analysis of 5 years of experience. Frontiers in Digital Health 2023, 4, 1074931.

  • Vratsistas-Curto A, Downie A, McCluskey A, & Sherrington C. Trajectories of arm recovery early after stroke: an exploratory study using latent class growth analysis. Annals of Medicine 2023, 55(1), 253-265.

  • Wallbank G, Voukelatos A, Taki S, Hughes JK, Gammack S, Pokhrel R, Bedford K, Simone L, & Wen LM. Health promotion programs for middle-aged adults that promote physical activity or healthy eating and involve local governments and health services: A rapid review. Health Promotion Journal Australia 2023, 34(4), 825-841.

  • Wang A, Menon R, Li T, Harris L, Harris IA, Naylor J, & Adie S. Has the degree of outcome reporting bias in surgical randomized trials changed? A meta-regression analysis. ANZ Journal Surgery 2023, 93(1-2), 76-82.

  • Wang BY, Sherrington C, Fairhall N, Kwok WS, Michaleff ZA, Tiedemann A, Wallbank G, & Pinheiro MB. Exercise for fall prevention in community-dwelling people aged 60+: more effective in trials with higher fall rates in control groups. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2023, 159, 116-127.

  • Wernecke GC, Jin XZ, Lin JL, & Harris IA. The Impact of Surgical Approach on 90-Day Prosthetic Joint Infection After Total Hip Replacement - A Population-Based, Propensity Score-Matched Cohort Study. Journal of Arthroplasty 2023, 39(1), 151-156.

  • Wewege MA, Bagg MK, Jones MD, Ferraro MC, Cashin AG, Rizzo RR, Leake HB, Hagstrom AD, Sharma S, McLachlan AJ, Maher CG, Day R, Wand BM, O'Connell NE, Nikolakopolou A, Schabrun S, Gustin SM, & McAuley JH. Comparative effectiveness and safety of analgesic medicines for adults with acute non-specific low back pain: systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ 2023, 380, e072962.

  • Williams CM, Henschke N, Maher CG, van Tulder MW, Koes BW, Macaskill P & Irwig L. Red flags to screen for vertebral fracture in patients presenting with low-back pain. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews 2023, 11(11), CD008643.

  • Yang Z, Mathieson S, Kobayashi S, Abdel Shaheed C, Nogueira LAC, Simic M, Machado G, & McLachlan AJ. Prevalence of Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs Prescribed for Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Arthritis Care & Research 2023, 75(11), 2345-2358.

  • Youssef M, & Youssef P. Methotrexate osteopathy. Internal Medicine Journal 2023, 53(11), 2141-2142.

  • Zadro JR. How to facilitate mainstream media coverage of physiotherapy research. Journal of Physiotherapy 2023, 69(1), 1-3.

  • Zadro JR, Ferreira GE, Muller R, Sousa Filho LF, Malliaras P, West CA, O'Keeffe M, & Maher CG. Education can reassure people with rotator cuff-related shoulder pain: a 3-arm, randomised, online experiment. Pain 2023.

  • Zadro JR, Michaleff ZA, O'Keeffe M, Ferreira GE, Traeger AC, Gamble AR, Afeaki F, Li Y, Wen E, Yao J, Zhu K, Page R, Harris IA & Maher CG. How do people perceive different advice for rotator cuff disease? A content analysis of qualitative data collected in a randomised experiment. BMJ Open 2023, 13(5), e069779.


Book Chapters

  • Perracini MR, Lima CA, Santy-Tomlinson J, Sherrington C. Preventing Falls. In: Hertz, K., Santy-Tomlinson, J. (eds) Fragility Fracture and Orthogeriatric Nursing. Perspectives in Nursing Management and Care for Older Adults. Springer, Cham. 2023.

  • Zadro JR. In: Evidence-based Practice Across the Health Professions (4th ed). Prognosis worked examples. Hoffmann & Bennett & Del Mar.  2023.

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